§ 152.005 DEFINITIONS.
   Words used in the present tense shall include the future; the singular number shall include the plural and the plural the singular, and the word “shall” is mandatory and not directory. For the purpose of this chapter, the following definitions shall apply unless the context clearly indicates or requires a different meaning.
   ABANDONED SIGNS. A sign which no longer correctly directs or exhorts any person, or advertises a bona fide business, lessor, owner, product or activity conducted or product available on or off the premises where the sign is displayed.
   ACCESSORY BUILDING. A subordinate building which is incidental to and customary in connection with the principal building or use and which is located on the same lot or zoning lot with the principal building or use.
   ACCESSORY USE. A subordinate use which is incidental to and customary in connection with the principal building or use and which is located on the same lot or zoning lot with the principal building or use.
   ADULT PORNOGRAPHIC ENTERTAINMENT ESTABLISHMENT. An adult booth, adult cabaret, adult store or adult theater, as defined in this definition.
      (1)   ADULT BOOTH. Any area of an adult entertainment establishment set off from the remainder of the establishment by one or more walls or other dividers or partitions and used to show, play or otherwise demonstrate any adult materials or to view any live performance that is distinguished or characterized by an emphasis on the exposure, depiction or description of specified anatomical areas or the conduct or simulation of specified sexual activities.
      (2)   ADULT CABARET. Any commercial establishment that as a substantial or significant portion of its business that regularly features or provides any of the following:
         (a)   Persons who appear nude or semi-nude; or
         (b)   Live performances that are distinguished or characterized by an emphasis on the exposure, depiction or description of specified anatomical areas or the conduct or simulation of specified sexual activities.
      (3)   ADULT MATERIAL. Any of the following, whether new or used:
         (a)   Books, magazines, periodicals or other printed matter, or digitally stored materials;
         (b)   Films, motion pictures, video or audio cassettes, slides, computer displays or other visual representations or recordings of any kind, that are distinguished or characterized by an emphasis on the exposure, depiction or description of specified anatomical areas, or the conduct or simulation of specified sexual activities;
         (c)   Live performances that are distinguished or characterized by an emphasis on the exposure, depiction or description of specified anatomical areas or the conduct or simulation of specified sexual activities; or
         (d)   Instruments, novelties, devices or paraphernalia that are designed for use in connection with specified sexual activities, or that depict or describe specified anatomical areas.
      (4)   ADULT STORE. Any commercial establishment that contains one or more adult booths; that as a substantial or significant portion of its business offers for sale, rental or viewing any adult materials; or that has a segment or section devoted to the sale or display of adult materials.
      (5)   ADULT THEATER. Any commercial establishment that as a substantial or significant portion of its business regularly features for presentation, films, motion pictures, video or audio cassettes, slides, computer displays or other visual representations or recordings of any kind that are distinguished or characterized by an emphasis on the exposure, depiction or description of specified anatomical areas, or the conduct or simulation of specified sexual activities.
   AGRICULTURE. The growing of farm crops, truck garden crops, animal and poultry husbandry, apiculture, aquaculture, dairying, floriculture, horticulture, nurseries, tree farms, sod farms, pasturage, viticulture, wholesale greenhouses and the growing, developing, processing, conditioning or selling of hybrid seed corn, seed beans, seed oats or other farm seeds. In interpreting the foregoing definition, it is the intent of this chapter to make the definition of AGRICULTURE as used herein identical to the definition of AGRICULTURE used in ILCS Ch. 55, Act 5, § 5-12001, as amended from time to time.
   ANIMAL HOSPITAL/VETERINARY CLINIC. A place where animals or pets are given medical or surgical treatment and are cared for during the time of the treatment. Use as a kennel shall be limited to short-term boarding or if needed for medical observation.
   ANIMAL SHELTER. A facility used to house or contain stray, homeless, abandoned or unwanted animals and which is owned, operated or maintained by a public body, an established humane society, animal welfare society, society for the prevention of cruelty to animals or other nonprofit organization devoted to the welfare, protection and humane treatment of animals. An ANIMAL SHELTER may include outdoor fenced areas where dogs are allowed during daylight hours.
   ANIMATED SIGN. Any sign or part of a sign that changes physical position by any movement or rotation or that gives the visual impression of movement by the use of lighting, pictorials or graphics in a progression of frames.
   ANTENNA ARRAY. One or more rods, panels, discs or similar devices used for the transmission or reception of radio frequency signals, which may include omnidirectional antenna (rod), directional antenna (panel) and parabolic antenna (disc). The ANTENNA ARRAY does not include the support structure.
   APPROVED COMBUSTIBLE MATERIALS. Wood or materials not more combustible than wood.
   APPROVED COMBUSTIBLE PLASTICS. Those plastic materials more than 0.050 inch thick, which when tested for flammability in sheets 0.060 inch thick in accordance with American Society for Testing Materials Standards D 635 does not burn at a rate exceeding two and one-half inches per minute.
   ARCADE. A business establishment offering for public use four or more video, pinball or similar player-operated amusement devices for commercial use.
   ARTERIAL STREET. A major roadway bisecting the city as detailed in the city’s transportation plan.
   ARTIST STUDIO. A work space for artists or artisans, including individuals practicing one of the fine arts or skilled in an applied art or craft.
   ASSEMBLY HALL (includes BANQUET OR MEETING HALL). A structure for groups of people to gather for an event or regularly scheduled program.
   ATTACHED WIRELESS COMMUNICATION FACILITY. An antenna array that is attached to an existing building or structure (attachment structure), which structures shall include but not be limited to utility poles, signs, water towers, rooftops, towers with any accompanying pole or device (attachment device) which attaches the antenna array to the existing building or structure and associated connection cables, and an equipment facility which may be located either inside or outside of the attachment structure.
   AUTOMOBILE ACCESSORY STORE. A store selling automobile parts and supplies.
   AUTOMOBILE REPAIR SHOP. A facility for the general repair and maintenance of automobiles, motorcycles or similar vehicles, including but not limited to the repairing or replacement of motors, bodies, fender, muffler or upholstery work, painting and tire service and sales, but excludes dismantling or salvage.
   AWNING. A roof-like structure, constructed of fabric, metal or designed and intended for protection from the weather and/or as a decorative building element, and which projects from a wall or roof above a window, door or walkway.
   AWNING SIGN. A sign on or attached to an awning that is supported entirely from the exterior wall of a building. This definition does not include any off-premises sign.
   BAKERY, RETAIL. An establishment primarily engaged in the retail sale of baked products. The products may be prepared on- or off-site. The use may include incidental food service.
   BAKERY, WHOLESALE. An establishment primarily engaged in the production and/or wholesaling of baked goods.
   BANNER SIGN. Any temporary sign of lightweight fabric or similar material that is attached to a pole or building and secured on at least two sides. National, state or municipal flags shall not be considered BANNERS.
   BAR. An establishment serving alcoholic beverages in which the principal business is the sale of those beverages at retail for consumption on the premises.
   BASE FLOOD. The flood having a 1% chance of being equaled or exceeded in any given year. The base flood is also known as the 100-YEAR FLOOD.
   BASE FLOOD ELEVATION. The elevation in relation to mean sea level of the crest of the base flood.
   BASEMENT. A story having part but not more than one-half of its height below grade. A BASEMENT is counted as a story for the purposes of height regulation if subdivided and used for dwelling purposes.
   BED AND BREAKFAST INN. An owner-occupied single-family residence or portion thereof used for the renting of four or fewer rooms to eight or fewer adults on an nightly basis for periods of less than one week, where at least one meal is offered in connection with the provision of sleeping accommodations only.
   BELT COURSE. A projection of masonry or similar materials which wraps around at least part of a building and is attached to the same building.
   BOARDINGHOUSE (also LODGINGHOUSE). A building or place, other than a hotel or motel, where lodging or rooms, or both, are provided for compensation, for three or more but not exceeding 12 individuals, not open to transient guests, in contrast to hotels open to transients.
   BROADCAST TOWERS. Only broadcast towers for AM stations and FM stations. It does not include wireless communications stations as defined by the Federal Telecommunications Act.
   BUILD. To erect, convert, enlarge, reconstruct or structurally alter a building or structure.
   BUILDABLE WIDTH. The width of a lot left to be built upon after the side yards and easements are provided.
   BUILDING. Any structure having a roof supported by columns or walls built for the support, shelter or enclosure of persons, animals, chattels or property of any kind, but not including any vehicle, trailer (with or without wheels) nor any movable device, such as furniture, machinery or equipment. The word BUILDING shall include the words STRUCTURE and PREMISES.
   BUILDING HEIGHT. The vertical distance from the grade to the highest point of the coping of a flat roof, or to the deck line of a mansard roof, or to the mean height level between eaves and ridge for gable, hip and gambrel roofs.
   BUILDING INSPECTOR. The individual designated by the City Manager to administer the Development Ordinance (DO).
   CAMPING TRAILER. A trailer, not used commercially, constructed with partial side walls which fold for towing and unfold to provide temporary living quarters for recreational camping or travel use and of a size or weight not requiring an over-dimension permit when towed on a highway.
   CANOPY SIGN. A sign on or attached to a permanent overhanging shelter that projects from the face of the building and is supported only partially by the building. This definition does not include any off-premises sign.
   CARGO CONTAINER. A large, reusable vessel that is or appears to be:
      (1)   Designed for or used in packing, shipping, intermodal transportation of freight or other goods; and
      (2)   Designed for or capable of being mounted on a rail car, truck trailer or loaded on a ship.
   CELLAR. A story having more than one-half of its height below grade. A CELLAR is not included in computing the number of stories for purpose of height measurement.
   CEMETERY. A place used for the interment of human or animal remains or cremated remains, including a burial park for earth interments, a mausoleum for vault or crypt interments, a columbarium for cinerary interments, or a combination thereof.
   CHANGEABLE COPY SIGN. A sign or portion thereof with characters, letters or illustrations that can be changed or rearranged, either manually or electronically.
   CHILD CARE CENTER. A state-licensed facility where a person, other than a relative or guardian, provides care and supervision for five or more children under seven years of age, for less than 24 hours a day, for compensation.
   CHURCH. See Religious institution.
   CLINIC. An establishment where a number of physicians, dentists or similar professionals associate themselves together to practice their respective professions in a joint endeavor, in which patients are not lodged overnight.
   CLUB or LODGE. A building owned or operated by a corporation organized under the laws of the state, not for pecuniary profit, solely for the promotion of some fraternal, social, educational, recreational or cultural enrichment purpose. This definition includes accessory recreational uses, such as but not limited to dance, gymnastics, class instruction, bingo and receptions.
   CLUSTER NEIGHBORHOOD UNITS. For the purposes of this chapter, attached single-family units with a common wall or roof wherein each unit has direct exterior access and no unit is located above another, and each unit is completely separated from any other(s) by a rated firewall with sound resistance as defined by the current Building Code adopted by the city, and wherein each dwelling unit is on a separate lot under separate ownership. A townhome is considered a type of CLUSTER NEIGHBORHOOD UNIT.
   COFFEE HOUSE, CAFÉ or TEAHOUSE. An informal restaurant primarily offering coffee, tea and other beverages, and where light refreshments and limited menu meals may also be sold.
   COLLECTOR STREET. A roadway designed to collect traffic from local streets and direct it to arterial roads and highways as detailed on the city’s transportation plan.
   COLLOCATION/SITE SHARING. Use of a common wireless communication facility or common site by more than one wireless communication license holder or by one wireless license holder for more than one type of communications technology and/or placement of a wireless communication facility on a structure owned or operated by a utility or other public entity.
   COMMERCIAL/BUSINESS VEHICLE. A truck or van with a company name or other message displayed on the vehicle.
   COMMERCIAL ESTABLISHMENT. Any place where admission is charged, services are performed, or products are provided for or upon payment of any form of consideration.
   COMMERCIAL MESSAGE. Any sign wording, logo or other representation that, directly or indirectly, names, advertises or calls attention to a business, product, service or other commercial activity.
   COMMERCIAL RECREATION USES. Any establishment whose main purpose is to provide the general public with an amusing or entertaining activity and where tickets are sold or fees are collected for the activity. This does not include movie theaters or adult entertainment establishments.
   COMMUNITY EVENTS SIGN. A sign advertising events or promotions that are sponsored by the city or religious, charitable, business or other associations and organizations.
   COMMUNITY FACILITIES. A noncommercial use established primarily for the benefit and service of the population of the community in which it is located.
   COMMUNITY GARDEN. An area of land managed and maintained by a group of individuals to grow and harvest food crops and/or non-food ornamental crops, for personal or group use, consumption or donation. Community gardens may be divided into separate plots for cultivation by one or more individuals or may be farmed collectively by members of the group and may included common areas maintained and used by group members. The activities shall not include commercial/entrepreneurial/for profit enterprises.
   COMMUNITY RESIDENCES, FAMILY. A single-dwelling unit occupied on a relatively permanent basis in a family-like environment by a group of no more than eight unrelated persons with disabilities, plus paid professional support staff provided by a sponsoring agency, either living with the residents on a 24-hour basis, or present whenever residents with disabilities are present at the dwelling; and complies with the zoning regulations for the district in which the site is located.
   COMMUNITY RESIDENCES, GROUP. A single-dwelling unit occupied on a relatively permanent basis in a family-like environment by a group of nine to 15 unrelated persons with disabilities, plus paid professional support staff provided by a sponsoring agency, either living with the residents on a 24-hour basis, or present whenever residents with disabilities are present at the dwelling; and complies with the zoning regulations for the district in which the site is located.
   COMPREHENSIVE SIGN PLAN. A sign plan approved by the Planning and Zoning Commission indicating the size and location of all signs to be located in a unified business center.
   CONCEALED LIGHT FIXTURE. A light fixture in which the bulb is entirely concealed within a structure and which the light is diffused by opaque, frosted, prizmed or otherwise unclear glass or plastic.
   CONSTRUCTION VEHICLE. Any vehicle which is designed and used primarily for grading, paving, earth moving and other construction work, that is required to comply with ILCS Ch. 625, Act 5, §§ 12-712 and 12-713 on identification required to be displayed.
   CONVENIENCE STORE. A small retail establishment offering for sale a limited line of groceries and household items for the convenience of the neighborhood.
   COPY SHOP. A facility for the custom reproduction of written or graphic materials on a custom order basis for individuals or businesses. Typical services include but are not limited to photocopying, blueprint and facsimile sending and receiving, and including offset printing.
   COUNCIL. The City Council of the City of Galesburg, Illinois.
   CRAFT AND HOBBY SHOP. A business establishment whose primary business is the sale of materials related to craft and hobby activities. It also includes those businesses that produce, on the premises, articles for sale of artistic quality or effect or handmade workmanship.
   CREMATORY. A location containing properly installed, certified apparatus intended for use in the act of cremation.
   CUL-DE-SAC. A short dead-end street.
   DANCE HALL. Any room, place or open space available to the general public in which is carried on dancing wherein the public may participate, whether or not a charge for admission for dancing is made.
   DAY CARE HOME. A facility which meets the requirements (including definition and licensing) of the State Department of Children and Family Services and is in compliance with the Child Care Act of 1969 as amended. It also includes any facility receiving one to three children and facilities receiving only children from a single household.
   DECIDUOUS. A plant with foliage that is shed annually.
   DEPARTMENT STORE. A business conducted under a single owner’s name wherein a variety of merchandise and services are housed and are exhibited and sold directly to the customer for whom the goods and services are furnished.
   DEVELOPER SIGN. A sign announcing the impending construction of a project, limited to displaying the name of the project, the developer, the financial institution providing the finance, the designer(s), the general contractor, a phone number where more information may be obtained and a date announcing the planned completion of the project.
      (1)   Any human-made change to real estate, including:
         (a)   Construction, reconstruction or placement of a building or any addition to a building valued at more than $1,000;
         (b)   Installing a manufactured home on a site, preparing a site for a manufactured home or installing a travel trailer on a site for more than 180 days;
         (c)   Installation of utilities, construction of roads or similar projects;
         (d)   Construction or erection of levees, walls, fences, bridges or culverts;
         (e)   Drilling, mining, filling, dredging, grading, excavating or other nonagricultural alterations of the ground surface;
         (f)   Storage of materials; or
         (g)   Any other activity that might change the direction, height or velocity of flood or surface waters.
      (2)   DEVELOPMENT does not include maintenance of existing buildings and facilities such as re-roofing; resurfacing roads; or gardening, plowing and similar agricultural practices that do not involve filling, grading or construction of levees.
   DIRECTOR OF COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT. The Director of Community Developmentof the city, or the Director’s duly authorized agent(s).
   DIRECTORY SIGN. A permanent free-standing sign identifying the businesses within a planned multiple-occupancy development, such as a regional shopping center, an industrial park or a business park.
   DISABILITY. A physical or mental impairment which substantially limits one or more of a person’s major life activities, impairs his or her ability to live independently, or a record of having the impairment, or being regarded as having the impairment; but the term does not include current use of, nor addiction to, a controlled substance.
   DISPLAY LOT (EXTERIOR LIGHTING). Outdoor areas where active nighttime sales activity occurs. To qualify as a DISPLAY LOT, one of the following specific uses must occur: automobile sales, boat sales, tractor sales, building supply sales, gardening or nursery sales, assembly lots or swap meets. Uses not on this list must be approved as DISPLAY LOT uses by the Community Development Director or his or her designee.
   DISPLAY SURFACE. The entire area within a single continuous perimeter enclosing the extreme limits of a sign. However, the perimeter shall not include any structural elements lying outside the limits of the sign and not forming an integral part of the display.
   DISTRICT. A part of the city wherein regulations of this chapter are uniform.
   DORMITORY. A building intended or principally used for sleeping accommodations where the building is related to an educational or public institution, including religious institutions.
   DRAINAGE FACILITY. Any or all components of a drainage system, including detention facilities.
   DRIVE-THROUGH FACILITY. A facility where patrons are or can receive goods and services while waiting in vehicles.
   DRIVEWAY. A concrete, asphalt, gravel, brick or other permanent low dust surface.
   DRUGSTORE. See Pharmacy.
   DRY BOTTOM RESERVOIR. An earthen detention basin constructed so that it drains completely after the rainstorm and associated flows subside.
   DRY CLEANER. An establishment or business which launders or dry cleans articles directly on the premises or which is maintained for the pickup and delivery of dry cleaning where laundering or cleaning is done off-site.
   DWELLING. Any building or portion thereof which is designed and used exclusively for residential purposes, containing living, sleeping, housekeeping accommodations and bathroom facilities.
   DWELLING, ATTACHED SINGLE-FAMILY. A one-family dwelling which has at least part of a wall in common with or connected by a roof to one or more one-family dwellings.
   DWELLING, MULTI-FAMILY. A building designed for occupancy by more than two families.
   DWELLING, SINGLE-FAMILY DETACHED. A building, separated from another building or buildings, designed for occupancy by one family, on a single lot.
   DWELLING, TWO-FAMILY. A building designed for occupancy by two families.
   DWELLING UNIT. One or more rooms in a dwelling intended to be occupied as separate living quarters by a single family as defined herein.
   EDUCATIONAL INSTITUTION. A public, parochial or private institution that provides educational instruction to students including associated grounds and athletic and related facilities. This definition does not include commercial trade or business schools.
   EFFECTIVE DATE OF THIS DO. The EFFECTIVE DATE OF THIS DO, or the EFFECTIVE DATE of an amendment to it if the amendment makes a use, structure sign or other nonconforming.
   ELDERLY HOUSING. Typically includes one and two-bedroom apartments or condominiums designed to meet the needs of persons 62 years of age and older with conditions requiring the majority of occupants to be age 62 or over. Medical, dining and recreational facilities may be included on-site. Also may include assisted living units, or supportive living facilities, in which occupants receive assistance with daily activities, such as dressing, preparing meals, grooming and the like.
   ELECTRICAL SIGN. Any sign which has characters, letters, figures, designs, faces, backgrounds or outlines illuminated by incandescent or fluorescent lamps or luminous tubes as part of the sign proper, these light sources being either external or internal, or signs which have movable parts which are moved by electric force.
   ELECTRONIC MESSAGE SIGN. A sign with a fixed or changing display or message indicating products or services offered upon the premises where the sign is maintained, that is internally illuminated and may be changed through electronic means. A time and/or temperature sign shall not be considered an ELECTRONIC MESSAGE SIGN.
   EQUIPMENT FACILITY. Any structure used to contain ancillary equipment for a wireless communication facility which includes cabinets, shelters, a build-out of an existing structure, pedestals and other similar structures.
   ERECT. To build, construct, attach, hang, re-hang, place, affix or relocate and includes the painting or lettering of a sign.
   EXCESS STORMWATER RUNOFF. The portion of stormwater runoff resulting from the proposed land use and which exceeds the runoff from the existing land use for a storm with a five-year average recurrence interval.
   EXTERNAL ILLUMINATION. Illumination of a sign which is produced by an artificial source of light which is not contained within the sign itself.
   FAA. Federal Aviation Administration.
   FAÇADE. Any side, surface or wall below the roof of a building which is parallel or within 45 degrees of parallel with a parcel’s frontage on a public thoroughfare, which faces toward and relates to that public thoroughfare. If a building has a complex shape, then all walls or surfaces facing in the same direction, or nearly the same direction, are part of a single FAÇADE.
   FACING. The surface of the sign upon, against or through which the message of the sign is exhibited.
   FAMILY. An individual or two or more persons related by blood, marriage, adoption, guardianship or duly-authorized custodial relationship occupying a dwelling unit as an individual housekeeping organization. A FAMILY may include not more than two persons not related by blood, marriage, adoption, guardianship or duly-authorized custodial relationship.
   FARM. An area which is used for the growing of the usual farm products such as vegetables, fruit, trees and grain, and their storage on the area as well as the raising thereon of the usual farm poultry and farm animals, such as horses, cattle, sheep and swine, and including dairy farms. The term FARMING includes the operating of an area for one or more of the above uses with the necessary accessory uses for treating or storing the produce; provided, however, that the operation of the accessory uses shall be secondary to that of the normal farming activities; and provided further, that FARMING does not include the extraction of minerals, the feeding of collected garbage or offal to swine or other animals or intensive livestock raising, such as commercial feed lots or large batteries of rabbit hutches on farms of less than 40 acres.
   FARMING, AQUAPONIC. Growing or culturing food fish, shellfish or other marine foods, aquatic plants, or aquatic animals in fresh or salt waters, in which the waste products from fish are used to fertilize hydroponically growing plants under controlled conditions for education, donation, wholesale and retail sales.
   FARMING, HYDROPONIC. A method of growing plants without soil, using mineral nutrient solutions or water, or an inert medium such as perlite, gravel, or mineral wool for education, donation, wholesale and retail sales.
   FARMING, ROOFTOP. Growing, washing, and storage of fruits, vegetables and other plant products on a principal building as a principal use or accessory use for education, donation, wholesale and retail sales. Typical operations include growing beds and growing trays.
   FARMING, URBAN. Growing, washing, packaging and storage of fruits, vegetables and other plant products for education, donation, wholesale and retail sales.
   FCC. Federal Communications Commission.
   FEED STORE. An establishment engaged in retail supplies directly related to the day-to-day activities of agricultural production.
   FENCE. An artificially constructed barrier of wood, masonry, stone, wire, metal or other manufactured material or combination of materials erected for the purpose of providing a boundary to separate areas (excluding retaining walls); to provide a means of protection or security; to prevent uncontrolled access; for decorative purposes; or to screen from viewers in or on adjoining properties and streets.
   FENCE HEIGHT. The vertical distance from the lowest adjoining grade to the topmost portion of the fence as measured from the adjacent owner’s property or “outside” of fence.
   FIFTY-YEAR RAINFALL. A precipitation event having a 2% chance of occurring in any one calendar year.
   FILLING/SERVICE STATION. Any building or premises used for the sale, at retail, of motor vehicle fuels, oils or accessories, or for servicing or lubricating of motor vehicles or installing or repairing parts and accessories, but not including the repairing or replacement of motors, bodies or fenders of motor vehicles, or painting motor vehicles. The term does not include public garages.
   FINAL PLAT. A map of all or part of a subdivision or resubdivsion and any supporting documentation, intended for recording.
   FINANCIAL INSTITUTION. Banks, credit unions, savings and loans, investment companies and brokers. For the purpose of this definition, independent currency exchanges, loan companies and pawn shops are not considered to be FINANCIAL INSTITUTIONS.
   FIXED MANUFACTURED HOME. A structure designed for permanent habitation and so constructed as to permit its transport by trailer or on wheels temporarily attached to its frame from the place of its construction to the location at which it is intended to be a permanent habitation and designed to permit the occupancy thereof as a dwelling place for one or more persons. This structure shall have the hitch and wheels removed and shall be placed on a concrete block foundation with or without supporting piers, without which modifications, no occupancy permit for the structure shall be issued.
   FLAG, CORPORATE. A fabric or bunting displaying the name, insignia, emblem or logo of any nation, state, municipality or noncommercial organization.
   FLAG LOT. A lot with all of the following characteristics:
      (1)   The lot includes a narrow corridor extending from the street frontage to the buildable part of the lot, where the width of the corridor is less than the required lot width. This narrow corridor is sometimes referred to as the “flagpole;”
      (2)   The minimum lot width and the buildable part of the lot are located a distance of more than three times the minimum front yard depth from the right-of-way; and
      (3)   The buildable part of the lot is generally located at a greater distance from the street, in relation to the buildable portion of other adjoining lots, which are not flag lots.
   FLAG, PUBLIC. Any fabric or bunting containing distinctive colors, patterns or symbols, used as a symbol of a government, political subdivision or other entity.
   FLASHING SIGN. A directly or indirectly illuminated sign where the source of illumination is not maintained constant or stationary in the intensity or color at all times when the sign is in use.
   FLOOD or FLOODING. A general and temporary condition of partial or complete inundation of normally dry land areas from the overflow of inland waters, or the unusual and rapid accumulation of runoff of surface waters from any source.
   FLOOR AREA, GROSS. The total number of square feet of floor space within the exterior walls of a building, not including space in cellars or basements; however, if the cellar or basement is used for business or commercial purposes other than storage, it shall be counted as floor area in computing off-street parking requirements.
   FLOWER AND PLANT SHOP. A business establishment whose principal activity is the selling of flowers and plants which are not grown on-site and conduct business within an enclosed building.
   FOOTCANDLE (EXTERIOR LIGHTING). The illuminance on a surface of one square foot in an area on which there is uniformly distributed a light flux of one lumen.
   FOR SALE/FOR LEASE/FOR RENT SIGNS. A sign which directs attention to a development with space for sale, lease or rent.
   FREE-STANDING SIGN. Any sign not attached to a building; primarily ground signs, pole signs, pylon signs and sandwich boards.
   FRONTAGE, BLOCK. All the property on one side of a street or highway, between two intersecting streets (crossing or terminating), or for a distance of 400 feet on either side of a proposed building or structure, measured along the line of the street; or if the street is dead-ended, then all of the property abutting on one side between an intersecting street and the dead-end of the street, but not including property more than 400 feet distant on either side of a proposed building or structure.
   FRONTAGE, LOT. The horizontal distance between the side lot lines measured at the point where the side lot lines intersect the street right-of way. All sides of a lot that abuts a street shall be considered frontage. On curvilinear streets, the arc between the side lot lines shall be considered the lot frontage.
   FTA. Federal Telecommunications Act of 1996.
   FULLY SHIELDED LIGHT FIXTURE. A lighting fixture constructed so that no light rays are emitted by the installed fixture at angles above the horizontal plane as determined by a photometric test report or certified by the manufacturer. Any structural part of the light fixture providing this shielding must be permanently affixed.
   FUNERAL HOME. A building used for the preparation of the deceased for burial and display of the deceased and rituals connected therewith before burial or cremation. A FUNERAL HOME, as defined for purposes of this code, includes a FUNERAL CHAPEL and MORTUARY.
   GARAGE, PRIVATE. An accessory building housing only vehicles owned and used by occupants of the main building. A PRIVATE GARAGE shall not house more than one commercial vehicle.
   GARAGE, PUBLIC. A structure used for indoor parking and available for parking by the general public.
   GARAGE, STORAGE. Any building or premises used for housing only motor-driven vehicles, other than trucks and commercial vehicles, pursuant to previous arrangements and not to transients, and at which automobile fuels and oils are not sold and motor-driven vehicles are not equipped, repaired, hired or sold.
   GLARE (EXTERIOR LIGHTING). The sensation produced by luminance within the visual field that is sufficiently greater than the luminance to which the eyes are adapted to cause annoyance, discomfort or loss in visual performance and visibility.
   GOLF COURSE. A tract of land laid out with at least nine holes for playing a game of golf and improved with tees, greens, fairways and hazards. A GOLF COURSE includes a clubhouse and shelter(s) as accessory uses.
   GOLF DRIVING RANGE. A limited area on which golf players do not walk, but onto which they drive golf balls from a central driving tee area.
   GRADE. The lowest part of elevation of the finished surface of the ground surface, paving or sidewalk within the area between the building and the property line, or when the property line is more than ten feet from the building, between the building and a line ten feet from the building.
   GREENHOUSE. A building or structure constructed chiefly of glass, glasslike or translucent material, which is devoted to the protection or cultivation of flowers or other tender plants.
   GROCERY STORE. Food markets, or combination food markets and department stores with more than 4,000 square feet of floor area.
   GROUND SIGN. A sign which is supported by one or more poles, uprights or braces in or upon the ground, with no more than 12 inches clearance from the bottom of the sign to the ground below, which are not part of a building, other than pole or pylon and monument signs as defined in this chapter. This definition does not include any off-premises sign.
   GUN SHOP. Any premises or portion thereof used for the sale, vending, dealing, exchange or transfer of two or more firearms and ammunition at wholesale or retail within a 12-month period.
   HALFWAY HOUSE. A facility in which persons reside for an extended period of time (normally three to 12 months) to undertake a program of social rehabilitation or other similar program. The uses shall provide room and board; and may include recreational, counseling, vocational and other rehabilitative service. This definition includes facilities for sex offenders, alcoholics or the chemically dependent and residents of state, federal or local correction facilities.
   HARDWARE STORE. A facility primarily engaged in the retail sale of various basic hardware lines, such as tools, plumbing and electrical supplies, paint and glass, housewares and household appliances, garden supplies and cutlery.
   HEALTH STORE. An establishment that is primarily engaged in the retail sale of health, vitamin and other related products.
   HEAVY DUTY TRUCK. Any vehicle over 10,000 pounds actual weight, registered gross weight or the gross vehicle weight rating (GVWR) specified by the manufacturer or unlicensed motor vehicles, and any equipment capable of being towed that is used in the construction industry and commonly referred to as HEAVY CONSTRUCTION EQUIPMENT (which equipment to include but not to be limited to auger, backhoe, cement mixer, crane, implement of husbandry, road grader, stump grinder and trailer).
   HEIGHT. When referring to a wireless communication facility, the distance measured from ground level to the highest point on the wireless communication facility, including the antenna array.
   HIGH TUNNEL STRUCTURE. A translucent plastic covered structure that is at least six feet tall and is utilized as a greenhouse that can assist a gardener in extending the growing season up to year round.
   HOME OCCUPATION. Any activity carried out for gain by a resident, conducted as an accessory use in the resident’s dwelling or accessory building, and which is clearly subordinate to the residential use of the dwelling unit.
   HOSPITALS. An establishment providing physical or mental health services, in-patient or overnight accommodations, and medical or surgical care of the sick or injured.
   HOTEL. A building in which lodging is provided and offered to the public for compensation, and which is open to transient guests, in contrast to a boardinghouse as herein defined.
   IDENTIFICATION SIGN. A sign where the text gives the name and address of a building, business, development or establishment. Such a sign may also be wholly or partly devoted to a readily recognized symbol.
   ILLUMINATED SIGN. Any sign which is lit by an artificial (usually electric) light source.
   INDIRECT LIGHTING. A source of external illumination located away from the sign, which lights the sign, but which is not visible to persons viewing the sign from any street, sidewalk or adjacent property.
   INFLATABLE SIGN. Any sign or inflatable device of more than two cubic feet in capacity designed to be filled with air or a gas lighter than air, displayed to attract the attention of the public. This definition shall include BALLOONS and BALLOON SIGNS.
   INSTITUTIONAL BUILDING. A building exclusively occupied by a nonprofit corporation or a nonprofit establishment for public use.
   INSTRUCTIONAL SIGN. A sign, generally informational, that has a purpose secondary to the use of the lot on which it is located, such as “no parking,” “entrance,” “loading only,” and other similar directives.
   INTERNAL ILLUMINATION. The illumination of a sign which is produced by an artificial source of light concealed or contained within the sign itself, and which becomes visible in darkness through the translucent portion of the sign face.
   JUNKYARD. Any land or structure used for salvaging operation, including the storage and sale of wastepaper, rags, scrap metal and discarded materials and the dismantling, storage and salvaging of unlicensed, inoperable vehicles.
   KENNEL. An establishment where dogs, cats or other animals are kept on a regular basis for the purpose of sale or in connection with building, training, care or breeding, for which any fee is charged, or for adoption.
   LABORATORY RESEARCH TESTING. A facility for scientific laboratory research in technology-intensive fields. Examples include biotechnology, pharmaceuticals, genetics, plastics, polymers, resins, coatings, fibers, fabrics, film, heat transfer and radiation research facilities.
   LAUNDROMAT. A business that provides washing, drying and/or ironing machines for hire to be used by customers on the premises. Includes those establishments that provide drop-off laundry service, but not dry cleaning.
   LIGHT METAL FABRICATION. All activities, including minor welding, involved in the assembly, altering, servicing, repairing, warehousing or storing, or adapting for sale of previously prepared metal products.
   LIGHT PENETRATION (EXTERIOR LIGHTING). A form of artificial illumination emanating from a light fixture or illuminated sign that penetrates other property.
   LIMITED ACCESS ROADWAY. A highway or other roadway with access primarily from other roadways and not directly from driveways.
   LOADING SPACE. An off-street space on the same lot as the building served, for temporary parking of a commercial vehicle while loading and unloading merchandise or materials. The dimensions of which are at least 12 by 50 feet, with a clearance of at least 14 feet.
   LOCAL STREET. A roadway designed to provide direct access to individual properties.
   LOT. Any legally created lot, parcel, tract or land, or combination thereof, shown on a plat of record or recorded by metes and bounds, that is occupied or intended for occupancy by a use permitted in this chapter, including the principal building or buildings together with its accessory buildings, open spaces and parking spaces required by this DO, and having its principal frontage upon a road or street.
   LOT AREA. The total area measured in square feet contained within the perimeter of the lot.
   LOT AREA PER DWELLING UNIT. The amount of lot area required in a residential development, per dwelling unit.
   LOT, CORNER. A lot abutting upon two or more streets or roads at their intersection.
    LOT, DEPTH. The mean horizontal distance between the front and rear lot lines.
   LOT, DOUBLE FRONTAGE. A lot having a frontage on two nonintersecting roads, as distinguished from a corner lot.
   LOT OF RECORD. Any legally created lot or parcel of land, the deed of which has been recorded in the office of the Recorder of Deeds, or any lot created prior to October 21, 1968.
   LOT WIDTH. The width of a lot to be measured at the front building setback line.
   LUMEN (EXTERIOR LIGHTING). A unit of measure of the quantity of light which falls on an area of one square foot, every point of which is one foot from the source of one candela. A light source of one candela emits a total of 12.57 LUMENS.
   MAIL-ORDER STORE. A use where goods are received and/or stored for delivery to the ultimate customer at remote locations.
   MAJOR STREET. See Arterial street.
   MANUFACTURED HOME. A dwelling unit fabricated in an off-site manufacturing facility for installation at the building site, bearing a label certifying that it is built in compliance with the National Manufactured Housing Construction and Safety Standards Act of 1974 (42 U.S.C. §§ 5401 et seq.), which became effective June 15, 1976. For mobile homes built prior to June 15, 1976, a label certifying compliance to the Standards for Mobile Homes (NFPA 501), in effect at the time of manufacture, is required. For the purpose of these provisions, a mobile home shall be considered a MANUFACTURED HOME.
   MANUFACTURED HOME PARK. A contiguous parcel of land which has been developed for the placement of manufactured homes, with accessory buildings and uses provided for the benefit and enjoyment of occupants.
   MARQUEE SIGN. A sign which is attached to a fixed shelter used only as a roof which is entirely supported by the building to which it is attached. This definition does not include any off-premises sign.
   MASSAGE PARLOR. A building, room, place or establishment other than a regularly licensed and established hospital or dispensary where non-medical or non-surgical manipulation exercises or devices are practiced upon the human body manually or otherwise by any person other than a licensed physician, surgeon, dentist, occupational therapist, chiropractor or osteopath with or without the use of therapeutic, electrical, mechanical or bathing devices.
   MONUMENT SIGN. A free-standing sign which is supported by one or more poles, posts or similar uprights or braces in or upon the ground provided the supports are concealed within a sign base. MONUMENT SIGN bases shall include material that harmonizes with the establishment it serves, including brick, block, concrete, stone and metal or similar materials.
   MORTUARY. See Funeral home.
   MOTEL, MOTOR COURT, MOTOR LODGE or TOURIST COURT. Any building or group of buildings containing guestrooms or dwelling units, some or all of which have a separate entrance leading directly from the outside of the building with garage or parking space conveniently located on the lot, and designed, used or intended wholly or in part for the accommodation of people traveling by motor vehicle.
   MOTOR HOME, MINI MOTOR HOME or VAN CAMPER. A self-contained motor vehicle, not used commercially, designed or permanently converted to provide living quarters for recreational, camping or travel use, with direct walk-through access to the living quarters from the driver’s seat. The vehicles must include at least four of the following:
      (1)   A cooking facility with an onboard fuel source;
      (2)   A gas or electric refrigerator;
      (3)   A toilet with exterior evacuation;
      (4)   A heating or air conditioning system with an onboard power or fuel source separate from the vehicle engine;
      (5)   A potable water supply system that includes at least a sink, a faucet and a water tank with an exterior service supply connection; and/or
      (6)   A 110–125-volt electric power supply.
   MOTOR VEHICLE. Every vehicle which is divided into two divisions:
      (1)   First division. Those motor vehicles which are designed for the carrying of not more than ten persons; and
      (2)   Second division. Those motor vehicles which are designed for carrying more than ten persons, those designed or used for living quarters and those motor vehicles which are designed for pulling or carrying freight or cargo, and those motor vehicles of the first division remodeled for use and used as motor vehicles of the second division.
   MOTORCYCLE. Every motor vehicle having a seat or saddle for the use of the rider and designed to travel on not more than three wheels in contact with the ground, but excluding a tractor.
   MURAL SIGN. A visual depiction and/or works of art including mosaic, painting or graphic art technique applied, painted, implanted or placed directly onto the exterior of any wall of a building or permanent wall structure; such depictions shall not contain words, logos, emblems, trademarks or other similar devices which identify or advertise any product, service or business. Provided, however, such depictions may include a signature or sponsor’s identification area within the depiction so long as such area does not exceed 10% of the total size of the depiction, or 2.5% of the surface area of the wall onto which it is attached or painted whichever is less. A building, for purposes of this section only, shall mean any structure built for the support, shelter, or enclosure of persons, animals, chattels or movable property of any kind. A permanent wall structure, for purposes of this section only, shall mean an upright man-made structure which has a foundation and also has an exterior vertical surface of masonry, concrete or wood.
   MUSEUM. A building serving as a repository for collecting, preserving and exhibiting historical, natural, scientific or literary curiosities or objects of interest or works of art. Accessory uses may include the sale of related goods and the holding of meetings and social events.
   NONCONFORMING SIGN. Any sign that does not conform to the requirements of this chapter.
   NONCONFORMING USE. Any building or land lawfully occupied by a use at the time of passage of this DO or amendment thereto which does not conform after the passage of this DO or amendment thereto with the use regulations of the district in which it is situated.
   NUDE or STATE OF NUDITY. A state of dress or undress that exposes to view:
      (1)   Less than completely and opaquely covered human genitals; pubic region; anus; or female breast below a point immediately above the top of the areola, but not including any portion of the cleavage of the female breast exhibited by a dress, blouse, shirt, leotard, bathing suit or other wearing apparel, provided the areola is not exposed; or
      (2)   Human male genitals in a discernibly turgid state, even if completely and opaquely covered or any device or covering that, when worn, simulates human male genitals in a discernibly turgid state.
   NURSERY/GARDEN CENTER. An operation for the cultivating, harvesting and sale of plants, shrubs, trees and other nursery items grown on-site or established in the ground prior to sale.
   NURSING HOME. A home for the aged or infirm, in which three or more persons not of the immediate family are received, kept or provided with food and shelter or care, for compensation, but not including hospitals, clinics or similar institutions.
   OBSOLETE SIGN. Any on-premises sign or facing that no longer advertising a bona fide business conducted or product sold on the premises.
   OFF-PREMISES SIGN. Any sign that advertises activities, goods, products, services or facilities that are not sold or offered upon the premises where the sign is located; provided, however, that any sign authorized in this DO is allowed to contain noncommercial copy in lieu of any other copy.
   ON-PREMISES SIGN. Any sign related to a business or profession conducted, or a commodity or service sold or offered upon the premises where the sign is located; however, any sign authorized in this DO is allowed to contain noncommercial copy in lieu of any other copy.
   ONE-HUNDRED-YEAR RAINFALL. A precipitation event having a 1.0% chance of occurring in any one calendar year.
   OPEN AIR PATIO. A paved area or deck without a roof.
   OUTDOOR LIGHT FIXTURE (EXTERIOR LIGHTING). An electrically powered illuminating device containing a total light source of more than 3,000 initial lumens per fixture (this is greater than a single 100-watt incandescent lamp), which is permanently installed outdoors, including but not limited to devices used to illuminate any site, architectural structure or sign exterior.
   PARK. A noncommercial, not-for-profit facility designed to serve the recreational needs of the community.
   PARK, PARKED or PARKING. The standing of a vehicle, whether occupied or not, other than when temporarily and actually engaged in loading or unloading merchandise or passengers.
   PARKING SPACE. A fully accessible surfaced area, enclosed or unenclosed, not less than nine feet wide and 18 feet long, together with a surfaced access aisle connecting the parking space with a street, road or alley and permitting ingress, egress and temporary parking of permitted automobiles without the necessity of moving any other vehicle.
   PERSONAL SERVICE SHOP. An establishment or place of business primarily engaged in the provision of frequent or recurrent services of a personal nature, such as a nail salon, spa, barber shop or beauty shop.
   PHARMACY. A facility for the retail sale and dispensing of drugs or medicines which are compounded or dispensed by or under the direct supervision of a registered pharmacist. This definition includes the sale of allied health care products such as walking aids, support bandages and braces, and similar medical products.
   PHILANTHROPIC INSTITUTION. Any building, group of buildings or organization devoted and supported by charitable funding.
   PLANNING AND ZONING COMMISSION. The Planning and Zoning Commission of the city.
   PLAT. A plat of subdivision, whether preliminary, final or minor plat consistent with requirements of the Illinois Plat Act (ILCS Ch. 765, Act 205, § 0.01) including any updates, amendments or supplements.
   PLAT OF SURVEY. A map of a parcel or lot depicting boundaries of the property, and the location of all buildings, structures and improvements with precise dimensions indicated which must be completed by a state registered land surveyor.
   PLAYGROUND. An area developed for active play and recreation that may contain such facilities as sand boxes, slides, swings, climbing apparatus and other similar facilities.
   POLE SIGN. A sign which is supported by one or more poles, uprights or braces in or upon the ground, which are not a part of a building. This definition does not include any off-premises sign.
   POLITICAL SIGN. A sign or poster announcing a candidacy for public political office or a position on a referendum.
   POOL HALLS. A business establishment containing more than three pool or billiard tables for the use of patrons.
   PORTABLE ON-DEMAND STORAGE STRUCTURES. Any container, storage unit, shed-like container or other portable structure that is intended for the purpose of filling or emptying personal property of any kind while located outside an enclosed building, other than an accessory building or shed complying with all building codes and land use requirements and then later removed from the premises.
   PORTABLE SIGN. Any sign which is mounted on a trailer or its own wheels or is otherwise capable of being easily transported or moved from place to place and includes such a sign even though the wheels of the sign have been removed and the remaining chassis is attached temporarily to the ground.
   Figure 152.005: Portable Sign
   PRELIMINARY PLAT. A tentative map indicating the proposed layout and showing all required details of a subdivision.
   PREMISES. A lot, together with all buildings and structures thereon.
   PRINCIPAL BUILDING. A building in which is conducted the main or principal use of the lot on which it is situated. In any residential district, any dwelling shall be deemed to be the PRINCIPAL BUILDING of the lot on which the same is situated.
   PROFESSIONAL OFFICE. A room, suite of rooms, or building in which an establishment is primarily engaged in transacting the affairs of a business, profession, service, industry, or government, provided that no merchandise or merchandising services are sold on the premises, except such as are incidental or accessory to the principal permissible use.
   PROJECTING SIGN. A sign other than a wall sign suspended from or supported by a building or structure or steel column and projecting out therefrom. This definition does not include any off-premises sign.
   PROTECTED CHANNEL. A channel which receives stormwater discharge and is constructed of pavement, rip-rap or human-made materials to reduce the potential for erosion.
      (1)   A church, synagogue, mosque or other place of worship;
      (2)   A public or private nursery school or any other public or private school serving any one or more of grades K through 12;
      (3)   A child care facility, licensed by the State Department of Children and Family Services;
      (4)   A public park, playground, playing field or forest preserve;
      (5)   A public or private cemetery;
      (6)   A public housing facility; and
      (7)   A public library.
   PUBLIC BUILDINGS. Any building held, used or controlled exclusively for public purposes by any department or branch of government (federal, state, county or municipal) without reference to the ownership of the building or of the realty upon which it is situated. A building belonging to or used by the public for the transaction of public or quasi-public business.
   PUBLIC LIBRARY. A public, nonprofit facility in which literary, musical, artistic, or reference materials such as but not limited to books, manuscripts, computers, recordings, or films are kept for the public use and purpose of study, reference and recreation by or loaning to patrons of the facility, but are not normally offered for sale.
   PYLON OR POLE SIGN. A sign supported by or suspended from a free-standing column or columns of structural steel pipe or poles. The sign may be either an off-premises or on-premises sign.
   RAGE ROOM. Also known as a SMASH ROOM or ANGER ROOM, where people can vent their rage by destroying objects within a room. Clients can break items by throwing them against hard surfaces, throwing other items at them or smashing them with tools, such as a sledgehammer.
   REAL ESTATE SIGN. A sign advertising the sale, rental or lease of the premises, or a part thereof, on which the sign is located. This definition does not include any off-premises sign.
   RELIGIOUS INSTITUTION (also CHURCH). A building used for public worship by a congregation or for housing for staff of the religious institution, excluding buildings used exclusively for residential, educational, recreational or other uses not normally associated with worship. Includes churches, chapels, cathedrals, temples, mosques, synagogues and similar designations.
   RESIDENTIAL PROPERTY. Any lot or other tract of land zoned in any of the following districts or zones under this code: ER, R1A, R1B, R1C, R2, R3A and R3B.
   RESTAURANT. A structure in which the principal use is the preparation and sale of food and beverage. This definition does not include bars, taverns or cocktail lounges.
   RESUBDIVISION. The division or consolidation of a previously divided lot or parcel; including alteration of public rights-of-way included in a subdivision.
   ROOF SIGN. A sign erected upon or above a roof or parapet of a building.
   ROW COVER. A structure made of PVC piping or other material covered with translucent plastic constructed in a half round or hoop shape.
   SAFE STORM DRAINAGE CAPACITY. That capacity of the collection system which keeps the hydraulic gradient below the points of stormwater collection on abutting land served.
   SATELLITE DISH-TYPE ANTENNA. An antenna, the purpose of which is to receive television or radio signals from orbiting satellites. The antennas commonly have a parabolic or dish form.
   SEMI-NUDE. A state of dress or undress in which clothing covers no more than the human genitals, anus, pubic region, and areola of the female breast, as well as portions of the body covered by supporting straps or devices or by other minor accessory apparel such as hats, gloves and socks.
   SETBACK. The minimum required distance by which any building or structure must be separated from a street right-of-way or lot line.
   SHARED USE SIGN. A freestanding pole, pylon, ground, monument or highway identification sign containing information pertaining to two entities located on abutting properties.
   SHIELDED LIGHT FIXTURE (EXTERIOR LIGHTING). A light fixture which is recessed into a structure or mounted flush with the bottom of the structure to which it is attached or shielded so that no portion of the lamp (bulb) is visible from any part of the fixture at the property line.
   SHOOTING GALLERY. A facility designed and used for shooting at targets with rifles, pistols or shotguns, and which is completely enclosed within a building or structure.
   SHOOTING RANGE. Any outdoor establishment open to the public intended for the discharge of firearms for the purpose of shooting at targets.
   SHOPPING CENTER, REGIONAL. A parcel or parcels of property under single or multiple ownership or management that is designed and built to contain a mixture of retail, entertainment and service uses or structures with total land area in excess of 30 acres, containing at least one major anchor store.
   SIGN. Includes every sign, billboard, ground sign, directory sign, wall sign, roof sign, illuminated sign, projecting sign, temporary sign, pylon or pole sign, marquee, awning, canopy and street clock, and shall include any announcement, declaration, demonstration, display, illustrations or insignia used to advertise or promote the interest of any person, business, idea, activity, goods, product, service or facility when the same is placed out-of-doors in view of the general public. This definition does not include any type of indoor sign or window display.
   SIGN FACE. The surface of the sign upon, against or through which the messages of the sign is exhibited.
   SIGN SETBACK. The minimum horizontal distance between the street right-of-way line and any portion of the sign, including its supporting framework or bracing.
   SIGN STRUCTURE. The supports, uprights, bracing and framework for the sign or display.
   SKELETON PARAPET SIGN. Individual letters mounted on a parapet wall.
   SMALL BUSINESS INCUBATOR FACILITY. A facility dedicated to the startup and growth of small businesses, accomplished through management and facility support systems. For purposes of this definition, management support systems include access to professional advice, information on small business regulations, management, advertising, promotion marketing, sales, inventory, employees, labor relations and financial counseling. Facility support systems include clerical and reception staff, cleaning and building security, and access to copy and facsimile machines, computers, faxes and other electronic equipment.
   SMALL WIND ENERGY SYSTEM (SWES). Equipment that converts and then stores or transfers energy from the wind into useable forms of energy. This equipment includes any base, blade, foundation, generator, rotor, tower, transformer, vane, wire, inverter, batteries or other component used in the system. The systems shall have a nameplate capacity of 100 kilowatts or less.
   SOLAR ENERGY DEVICE. Equipment that converts and then stores or transfers energy from the sun into useable forms of energy.
   SPECIAL FLOOD HAZARD AREA. An area of land, previously referred to as the 100-year flood, mapped by FEMA that has a 1% annual chance of being inundated by a flood in a given year. Development may take place within the SFHA, provided that development complies with local floodplain management ordinances, which must meet the minimum federal requirements.
   SPECIFIED ANATOMICAL AREAS. Any of the following:
      (1)   Less than completely and opaquely covered human genitals; pubic region; buttocks; anus; or female breast below a point immediately above the top of the areola, but not including any portion of the cleavage of the female breast exhibited by a dress, blouse, shirt, leotard, bathing suit or other wearing apparel, provided the areola is not exposed; or
      (2)   Human male genitals in a discernibly turgid state, even if completely and opaquely covered, or any device or covering that, when worn, simulates human male genitals in a discernibly turgid state.
   SPECIFIED SEXUAL ACTIVITIES. Any of the following:
      (1)   Actual physical touching of human genitals, pubic region, buttocks, anus or female breasts;
      (2)   Actual physical sex acts, normal or perverted, including intercourse, oral copulation or sodomy;
      (3)   Actual masturbation;
      (4)   Human genitals in a state of sexual stimulation, arousal or tumescence; or
      (5)   Excretory functions as part of or in connection with any of the activities set forth in divisions (1), (2), (3) or (4) of this definition.
   STACKING SPACE. A minimum ten-foot wide by 20-foot long paved area reserved for and devoted to the temporary parking of automobiles waiting for the performance of a service such as at a bank or fast food restaurants.
   STEALTH FACILITY. Any wireless communication facility, support structure, antennas and associated equipment that are designed to blend into the surrounding environment, such as artificial trees, light poles, flag poles, clock towers and similar structures that camouflage or conceal the presence of antennas or towers. STEALTH FACILITIES shall not contain any visible exterior attributes of a wireless communication facility, support structure, antenna and associated equipment.
   STORAGE, SELF-SERVE. An enclosed storage facility containing independent, fully enclosed bays that are leased to individuals exclusively for long-term storage of their household goods or personal property.
   STORMWATER CHANNEL. A natural or human-made open watercourse with definite bed and banks which periodically or continuously contains moving water, or forms a connecting link between two bodies of water.
   STORMWATER DETENTION FACILITY. Any structure which is designed to collect and store surface water for subsequent gradual discharge.
   STORMWATER RUNOFF. The fraction of the water resulting from precipitation which flows from the served land during and immediately after the rainfall.
   STORMWATER RUNOFF RELEASE RATE. The rate at which stormwater runoff is released from or, in the case of detention, the discharge rate from the detention facility.
   STREET. A public way which affords the principal means of access to abutting property. STREET CENTERLINE is a line halfway between the faces of the curbs or edges of pavement.
   STREET (SIGN) FRONTAGE. The horizontal distance of a piece of property which faces a street right-of-way or is accessible to the street right-of-way.
   STRIP RETAIL OR COMMERCIAL CENTER. A parcel or parcels of property under single ownership and sharing common architecture, parking and landscaping developed through a binding site plan or master plan and related development agreements.
   STRUCTURAL ALTERATION. Any change except those required by law, that would prolong the life of the supporting members of a building or structure, such as the bearing walls, columns, beams or girders, not including openings in bearing walls as permitted by other regulations.
   STRUCTURAL TRIM. The molding, battens, cappings, nailing strips, latticing, platforms and letters, figures, characters or representations in cut-out or irregular form which are attached to the sign structure.
   STRUCTURE. Anything constructed or erected, the use of which requires a more or less permanent location on the ground or attached to something having a permanent location on the ground, including an above-ground gas or liquid storage tank, a manufactured home and a prefabricated building.
      (1)   The division of land into two or more lots, parcels or tracts;
      (2)   The dedication of streets, ways or other areas for the use of the public; or
      (3)   Any sale of a division of land by metes and bounds as defined in the preceding portion of this section shall constitute a subdivision of land and require, prior to any sale and before the delivery of a deed, the submission of a plat as required by law; provided, however, that the sale or exchange of parcels of land to or between adjoining property owners, where the sale or exchange does not create additional lots, shall not be considered as a SUBDIVISION OF LAND.
   SUBSTANTIAL IMPROVEMENT (STORMWATER MANAGEMENT). Any repair, reconstruction or improvement of a structure that increases the floor area by more than 20% or the cost of which equals or exceeds 50% of the market value of the structure either before the improvement or repair is started or, if the structure has been damaged and is being restored, before the damage occurred. The term does not, however, include either:
      (1)   Any project for improvement of a structure to comply with existing state or local health, sanitary or safety code specifications which are solely necessary to assure safe living conditions; or
      (2)   Any alteration of a structure or site documented as deserving preservation by the Illinois Department of Natural Resources, Office of Water Resources or listed on the National Register of Historic Places.
   SUPPORT STRUCTURE. A structure designed and constructed specifically to support an antenna array, and may include a monopole, self-supporting (lattice) tower, guy-wire-support tower and other similar structures. Any device (attachment device) which is used to attach an attached wireless communication facility to an existing building or structure (attachment structure) shall be excluded from the definition of and regulations applicable to SUPPORT STRUCTURES.
   SUSPENDED SIGN. A sign that is suspended from the underside of a horizontal plane surface and is supported by that surface.
   TEMPORARY SIGN. A sign of cloth or other combustible materials with or without a frame, not permanently attached to a building, or structure in the ground which is not to be displayed for a period of more than 30 days. This definition does not include any off-premises sign.
   TEMPORARY WIRELESS COMMUNICATION FACILITY. A wireless communication facility to be placed in use for 90 or fewer days.
   THEATER. A building or part of a building devoted to showing motion pictures, or for dramatic, dance, musical or other live performances.
   TOWER USE PERMIT (TUP). A permit issued by the city specifically for the location, construction and use of a wireless communication facility subject to an approved site plan and any special conditions determined by the Director of Community Development, or his or her designee to be appropriate.
   TOWNHOUSE. A one-family dwelling unit, with a private entrance, which is part of a structure whose dwelling units are attached horizontally in a linear arrangement, and have a totally exposed front and rear wall to be used for access, light and ventilation.
   TRADE/BUSINESS SCHOOL. A school established to provide for the teaching of industrial, clerical, managerial or artistic skills. This definition does not include educational institution.
   TRAILER. Any vehicle designed to be hauled along a highway for the transportation of property or materials and not to be used for human habitation.
   TWO-YEAR RAINFALL. A precipitation event having a 50% chance of occurring in any one calendar year.
   UNIFIED BUSINESS CENTER. Premises containing three or more individual offices or businesses.
   USE. The purpose for which a building, or lot or structure is arranged, designed, occupied or maintained.
   WALL SIGN. A sign attached to or erected against the wall of a building or structure, with the exposed face located approximately parallel to the plane of the wall. This definition does not include any off-premises signs.
   WAREHOUSE, RETAIL. An off-price or wholesale retail/warehouse establishment offering a full range of general merchandise to the public.
   WET BOTTOM RESERVOIR. An earthen detention facility designed to have a permanent pool of water after the precipitation and associated flows have subsided.
   WHOLESALE ESTABLISHMENT. A place of business primarily engaged in selling and/or distributing merchandise to retailers; to industrial, commercial, institutional or professional business users, or to other wholesalers; or acting as agents or brokers and buying merchandise to, those individuals or companies.
   WINDOW AREA. Any transparent area on a façade through which the interior of a premises may be viewed from outside.
   WINDOW SIGN. Any sign which is affixed or placed so that its message or image is read as a part of the total composition of a window area.
   WIRELESS COMMUNICATION FACILITY. Any unstaffed facility for the transmission and/or reception of wireless telecommunications services, usually consisting of an antenna array, connection cables, an equipment facility, and a support structure to achieve the necessary elevation.
   WIRELESS COMMUNICATIONS. Any personal wireless services as defined in the Telecommunications Act of 1996, which includes FCC licensed commercial wireless telecommunications services including cellular, personal communication services (PCS), specialized mobile radio (SMR), enhanced specialized mobile radio (ESMR), paging and similar services that currently exist.
   YARD. An open space between a building and the adjoining lot lines, unoccupied and unobstructed by any portion of the structure from the ground upward, except as otherwise provided in this chapter.
   YARD, FRONT. A yard across the full width of the lot extending from the front line of the main building to the front line of the lot. On corner lots the FRONT YARD shall face the shortest street dimension of the lot; except that if the lot is square or almost square, i.e., has dimensions in a ratio of from 3:2 to 3:3, then the FRONT YARD may face either street.
   YARD, REAR. A yard extending the full width of the lot between the rear line of a main building and the rear lot line.
   YARD SALE or GARAGE SALE. Any holding or selling of personal property, articles, materials or other items for sale to the public on a property zoned residential. This shall include but is not limited to all sales entitled “apartment,” “attic,” “back yard,” “basement,” “house,” “lawn,” “patio,” “porch” or “room” sales. YARD SALES or GARAGE SALES shall not include auctions, bankruptcy sales or estate sales.
   YARD, SIDE. A yard between the main building and the side line of the lot, and extending from the inner front yard line to the inner rear yard line.
   YARD WIDTH OR DEPTH. The shortest horizontal distance from a lot line to the main building.
   ZONING LOT. A contiguous tract of land located within a single block, which may consist of two or more lots of record, and which is designated by its owner as a tract to be used or developed or built upon as a unit, under single ownership and control, and has been assigned a single property identification number by the County Supervisor of Assessments.
(Ord. 10-3277, Art. 6, passed 1-4-2010; Ord. 12-3343, passed 1-23-2012; Ord. 12-3352, passed 5-21-2012; Ord. 13-3421, passed 10-21-2013; Ord. 14-3443, passed 4-21-2014; Ord. 15-3488, passed 6-1-2015; Ord. 15-3505, passed 11-16-2015; Ord. 17-3538, passed 2-6-2017; Ord. 20-3609, passed 4-6-2020; Ord. 21-3632, passed 2-22-2021; Ord. 21-3635, passed 4-19-2021; Ord. 22-3679, passed 8-15-2022)