(A) The application for a certificate of appropriateness shall be reviewed by the Commission not less than 15 days following its receipt by the secretary of the Commission from the Building Inspector.
(B) A registered letter will be sent to all property owners within the historic preservation district setting forth the question of the application for a certificate of appropriateness, the date, time and place of the meeting at which the application will be considered by the Commission. The letter shall be sent at least 15 days prior to the proposed meeting.
(C) If the Landmark Commission finds that the activity proposed by the applicant will do the following, then the Landmark Commission shall issue a certificate of appropriateness:
(1) Will not adversely affect the significant historical or architectural character of the historic preservation district as defined in the original petition for designation, as called for in § 151.052(A)(4); and
(2) (a) Is appropriate and consistent with the design criteria established for the historic preservation district as created by § 151.052(C)(3); or
(b) Will remedy conditions imminently dangerous to life, health or property as determined in writing by the Building Inspector.
(1990 Code, § 12-135) (Ord. 79-671, passed 5-4-1979)