(A)   The Commission shall hold public hearings and make subsequent recommendations to the City Council on petitions for areas within the corporate limits of the city to be designated as historic preservation districts, subject to the guidelines and procedures set forth by this chapter.
   (B)   The Commission shall keep a register of all areas within the corporate limits of the city which have been designated as historic preservation districts as set forth by the guidelines and procedures in this chapter. This register will include all information and reports required for district designation.
   (C)   The Commission, together with the secretary of the Commission and the petitioner, shall establish a design criteria for the district as a guide to evaluate applications for certificates of appropriateness. These criteria will vary depending on the character of each historic preservation district.
   (D)   The Commission, when dealing with certificates of appropriateness in historic preservation districts, shall:
      (1)   Review all applications for certificates of appropriateness according to the design criteria for that district; then
      (2)   Hold public hearings; then
      (3)   Make recommendations to the City Council on all matters relating to the applications for certificates of appropriateness subject to the guidelines and procedures set forth in this chapter.
   (E)   The Commission shall assist citizens interested in historic preservation districts by:
      (1)   Maintaining a file of available architects, historians, preservationists and restorationists;
      (2)   Assisting in the preparation of applications for state or federal historic preservation grants;
      (3)   Providing information concerning the designation procedure of local historic preservation districts;
      (4)   Assisting in the preparation of information necessary for designation; and
      (5)   Assisting in the preparation of the application for certificates of appropriateness.
   (F)   Any assistance is subject to the guidelines and procedures set forth by this chapter.
(1990 Code, § 12-38) (Ord. 79-671, passed 5-4-1979)