(A) The Landmark Commission shall establish design criteria which shall be applied to landmarks requesting certificates of appropriateness.
(B) The Commission shall keep a register of all buildings, structures and objects within the corporate limits of the city which have been designated a landmark as set forth by procedures in this chapter. This register will include the information required for each landmark designation and appropriate maps.
(C) The Commission shall hold public hearings and make subsequent recommendations to the City Council on applications for improvements to be designated as landmarks within the corporate limits of the city. Designation is subject to the guidelines and procedures set forth by this chapter.
(D) The Commission shall hold public hearings and make recommendations to the City Council on all matters relating to certificates of appropriateness concerning landmarks under its jurisdiction subject to the standards set forth in this chapter.
(E) The Commission shall act as a resource consultant for owners of designated landmarks. The Commission will keep a current file of architects, historians, preservationists and restorationists concerned with historic preservation.
(1990 Code, § 12-37) (Ord. 79-671, passed 5-4-1979)