(A)   The Municipal Airport Zoning Administration shall be the Planning and Zoning Commission for the city. The Zoning Administration shall also serve as an airport advisory committee, with the sole power to recommend improvements in facilities, regulations, or administration covering the municipal airport to the City Manager.
   (B)   Applications for permits shall be made to the municipal airport zoning administration upon a form furnished by it. Applications which are by this subchapter to be decided by the Zoning Administration shall be promptly considered and granted or denied by it. Applications for action by the Board of Appeals shall be forthwith transmitted by the Zoning Administration to the Board of Appeals for hearing and decision. The office of the City Manager shall be the office of the Zoning Administration.
(1990 Code, § 5-122) (Ord. 67-924, passed 9-18-1967; Ord. 79-661, passed 2-19-1979; Ord. 81-818, passed 7-27-1981 Ord. 17-3538, passed 2-6-2017)
   Planning and Zoning Commission, see Ch. 152
Statutory reference:
   Administrative agency required, duties and the like, of same, see ILCS Ch. 620, Act 25, § 26