§ 33.041 MEMBERS.
   (A)   The Airport Advisory Commission shall have five members. The Commission shall consist of the following:
      (1)   One representative from the Fixed Base Operator;
      (2)   One representative from the Knox County Area Partnership for Economic Development;
      (3)   One individual with a pilot’s license; and
      (4)   Two residents of Galesburg with an interest in aviation or the airport.
   (B)   The Park Superintendent and Airport Manager shall serve as ex-officio members of the Airport Commission.
   (C)   The Mayor shall appoint, subject to the City Council approval, the members of the Commission for terms of three years. For the initial appointments to the Commission, terms shall be staggered so that two members serve three-year terms, two members serve a two-year term, and one member serves a one-year term.
   (D)   The Commission shall annually elect from their membership one member who shall serve as chairperson of the Commission. The Chairperson shall preside over the meetings and shall be eligible for reelection.
(Ord. 22-3678, passed 8-1-2022)