(A)   Front yard landscaping. Comer lots and double fronting lots have two front yards (see § 152.031).
      (1)   Continuous shrubs shall be provided across 100% of the parking lot, exclusive of driveways, to a minimum height of three feet. The shrubs shall be at least 50% evergreen and spaced at a maximum of four feet on center. In addition, a mix of shade, ornamental and evergreen trees shall be planted at the equivalent of one every 100 feet.
      (2)   When there is not a parking lot in a front yard, a mix of shade trees, ornamental or evergreen trees, shall be planted at equivalent of at least one every 75 feet.
   (B)   Side and rear yard landscaping.
      (1)   Continuous shrubs shall be provided across 100% of the yard(s) to a minimum height of six feet. Shrubs installed along a side yard shall be continued into the front yard at a height of four feet. The shrubs shall be at least 50% evergreen and spaced at a maximum of four feet on center. As an alternative, a solid screen may be achieved by providing a minimum six-foot solid commercial grade wood, vinyl or other approved material fence the length of the property with shade trees inside the fence at the equivalent of one tree every 100 feet. Fencing installed along a side yard shall be continued into the front yard at a height of four feet and be in compliance with § 152.033.
(Ord. 20-3625, passed 12-21-2020)