(A)   Bidding process. The following shall be the standard process for sale of city owned real estate through a competitive bidding process.
      (1)   In order to sell surplus real estate, an ordinance directing such sale, setting out the legal description of the land, its location and the use that has been made of it by the city shall be passed, the ordinance may direct that the sale be made subject to the conditions and restrictions on a future use, which the corporate authorities shall deem necessary and proper, and whether the sale shall be made by sealed bids or by public auction.
      (2)   Following the passage of an ordinance for sale of surplus real estate, notice of the sale shall be published once each week for three successive weeks in a newspaper published in Galesburg, Illinois. The first publication shall be not less than 30 days prior to the day provided in said notice for sale. The notice shall further specify the time and place at which the sale will be held and whether it will be sold by auction or be sealed bids, and shall include a statement that the city will reserve the right to reject any and all bids. An identical notice shall be posted on the city’s website and remain until the date for submission of bids has expired, or the auction has occurred.
      (3)   All bids shall be opened or an auction held, at a special or regular meeting of the City Council. The Council may accept the highest and best bid offered at such sale by approval of a concurrence of a majority of all Council members then holding office on the City Council.
   (B)   Alternative process. Any real property, that is acquired or held by the city for any purpose whatsoever, may be conveyed to any person, entity, corporation, organization or agency, upon the City Council’s determination that such real property is no longer necessary, appropriate or profitable. The contract for sale of any property disposed of under this division shall be presented by ordinance to the City Council, and shall require approval by a vote of two-thirds of the corporate authorities then holding office.
(Ord. 17-3541, passed 3-6-2017)