For purposes of this subchapter, BUSINESS DISTRICT shall mean the North Seminary Street Business District which is legally described as follows, as may be amended, or expanded:
   Beginning at the southwest corner of Gale Village Subdivision to the City of Galesburg, Knox County, Illinois, thence 350.17 feet north along the west line of lot 2 of Gale Village Subdivision. Thence 291.68 feet east along the north line of lot 2 of Gale Village Subdivision. Thence north along the west line of Gale Village Drive to a point on the southerly right of way line of Federal Aid Route 29. Thence southeasterly along the southerly right of way line of Federal Aid Route 29 to a point 660.0 feet radially distant southerly from the centerline of median of Federal Aid Route 29. Thence 425.87 feet south 62 degrees 28 minutes 42 seconds east. Thence 439.11 feet south 05 degrees 55 minutes 03 seconds east. Thence 117.10 feet south 00 degrees 38 minutes 59 seconds west. Thence east (across North Seminary Street) to the west property line of lot 4 of Seminary Square Commercial Subdivision. Thence southerly along the west property line of lot 4 to the south west corner of lot 3 of Seminary Square Commercial Subdivision. Thence west (Across North Seminary Street) to the southeast corner of lot 3 of Gale Village Subdivision. Thence 236.70 feet west along the south line of lot 3 of Gale Village Subdivision. Thence south along the west property line of lot 1 of Midwest Bank Place Subdivision to a point that would intersect with a horizontal extension of the south line of lot 2 of Gale Village Subdivision (approximately 185 feet). Thence west (Across Midwest Drive) to the southeast corner of lot 2 of Gale Village Subdivision. Thence west along the south line of lot 2 of Gale Village Subdivision 501.64 feet to the point of beginning.
(Ord. 13-3414, passed 8-19-2013)