(A)   The city shall be divided into two wireless communication facility overlay districts. The districts shall include all lands situated within the city.
      (1)   Wireless Communication Facility Overlay District 1 shall include only those areas described in Figure 152.092 below and any areas subsequently added thereto less any areas subsequently deleted therefrom. Attached wireless communication facilities with support structure shall be permitted as provided herein in Wireless Communication Facility Overlay District 1.
      (2)   Wireless Communication Facility Overlay District 2 shall consist of all lands not included in Wireless Communication Facility Overlay District 1 which are located within the city. Attached wireless communication facilities shall be permitted as set out herein in Wireless Communication Facility Overlay District 2.
   Figure 152.092: Field Sites and Recommended Wireless Communication Facilities
Field Site Names
Recommended WCF Use
Field Site Names
Recommended WCF Use
City Maintenance Complex
190 ft. monopole
West Main Street at South Henderson Street
Fire/Police Department Training
190 ft. monopole
Hawthorne Center area, 2233 Veterans Drive
Inbinder Park
190 ft. monopole
1285 West Carl Sandburg Drive, west side of park, south of the 20-ft. storm sewer easement
Kiwanis Park
190 ft. monopole
2191 East Knox Street, east of the intersection of Virginia and Adams
Parking Lot A
Stealth facility
On Ferris Street, between Prairie Street and Kellogg Street
Parking Lot B
Stealth facility
On North Kellogg Street, between Water Street and Ferris Street
Parking Lot F
Stealth facility
Intersection of Cherry Street and Water Street
Vacant Land (Highway 10)
250 ft. self support
NE corner of South Henderson Street and Thirlwell Road
Vacant Land (McClure Street)
190 ft. monopole
NW of SF Railroad tracks
Vacant Land (South Street)
190 ft. monopole
(900 block West South Street)
NW corner of West South and Harding
Water Tower (4th Street)
Attachments only
Between 4th Street and West 3rd Street
Water Tower (Seminary Street)
Intersection of Brooks Street and Seminary Street
   (B)   Permit required. No person, firm or corporation shall install or construct any wireless communication facility unless and until a tower use permit (TUP) has been issued pursuant to the requirements of this subchapter.
   (C)   Preexisting wireless communications facility. Wireless communications facilities constructed prior to July 19, 1999 of the original ordinance shall be considered a nonconforming use and shall not be required to meet the requirements of this subchapter unless expanded or modified.
   (D)   Amateur radio exclusion. This subchapter shall not govern the installation of any amateur radio facility that is owned and operated by a federally licensed amateur radio station operator or is used exclusively for receive only antennas. The installations shall comply with any other applicable provisions of the DO, including § 152.030(A)(4) regarding height of towers.
   (E)   Relationship to other ordinances. This division shall supersede all conflicting requirements of other subchapters regarding the locating and permitting of wireless communication facilities.
   (F)   Airport zoning. Any wireless communication facility located or proposed to be located in airport areas governed by the Federal Aviation Administration shall also comply with the provisions of all applicable local, state and federal airport regulations. Proof of approval or compliance with FAA standards must be provided.
   (G)   Building Codes. Construction of all wireless communication facilities shall comply with the requirements of the City Building Codes and permitting process in addition to the requirements of this subchapter.
   (H)   Accessory communications facilities. A wireless communication facility in a nonresidential zoning district which is an accessory to a principal use of a parcel (even though both are not owned by the same owner), and does not exceed 70 feet in height, shall be permitted by administrative review.
(Ord. 10-3277, § 1-6.3, passed 1-4-2010) Penalty, see § 152.999