(A)   All vehicles used for hauling solid waste shall be maintained in good repair and clean condition and shall be completely emptied at the end of each day of use.
   (B)   Any vehicle, public, private, for hire or under contract, used for hauling solid waste other than snow, logs and limbs, shall have a metal body with leakproof sides, bottom and front, and the rear shall be equipped with an endgate the full height of the opening. There will be a cover of sufficient size that completely covers a load and prevents any loss by blowing or spilling, securely anchored and tied. Loads of brush and similar material need not be covered, but shall be securely tied to the vehicle.
   (C)   No person shall haul solid waste in a motor vehicle over any public street, alley or highway in the city in such a manner that the contents thereof leak or otherwise escape from the vehicle.
   (D)   Solid waste collected for disposal shall be deposited at a proper lawful site designated and maintained for that purpose under the laws of this state.
(1990 Code, § 24-46) (Ord. 06-3131, passed 5-15-2006)