(A)   Storm sewer systems shall be constructed in accordance with the current addition of the Illinois Department of Transportation’s Standard Specifications for Road and Bridge Construction.
   (B)   Storm sewer pipe material shall be of the type, class and strength given in the current edition of the IDOT’s Standard Specifications for Road and Bridge Construction, and specifically approved by the City Engineer.
   (C)   Pipe shall be laid in a straight line and grade between structures except in unusual situations as specifically approved by the City Engineer.
   (D)   Minimum size of pipe between inlets in gutter and main sewer lines shall be ten inches.
   (E)   Manholes shall be provided at all junctions of storm sewers.
   (F)   The maximum distance between storm sewer manholes shall be as follows:
Table 152.359(F): Maximum Distance between Storm Sewer Manholes
Pipe Diameter
Distance Between Manholes (Center to Center)
10 in. to 24 in.
350 feet
27 in. to 54 in.
450 feet
60 in. and over
600 feet
   (G)   Manholes shall be leak-tight and may be constructed of precast concrete units, concrete masonry units or cast-in-place concrete. Manholes which are greater than five feet in depth, as measured from the invert of the manhole to the top of the masonry, shall be Type A manhole, constructed in accordance with the details shown on the Highway Standards. Manholes which are less than five feet in height shall be constructed without the use of a cone in the top section. The top shall be a precast reinforced slab with a minimum of six inches in thickness with a 24-inch centered opening offset to the inside wall of the manhole. Steps shall be provided in all manholes.
   (H)   Frames and lids for manholes shall be Type I in accordance with the Highway Standards.
   (I)   Diameter of manholes shall be as follows:
Figure 152.359(I): Required Manhole Diameter
Outlet Pipe Diameter (Inside)
Manhole Diameter
18 inches and under
48 inches
21 to 42 inches
60 inches
48 inches and over
Actual diameter of outlet pipe plus 18 inches or a reinforced concrete pipe tee manhole as approved by the City Engineer
   (J)   Manhole and inlet bottoms shall be channeled to conform accurately to the sewer grade and shape and shall be brought together smoothly with well rounded junctions.
   (K)   Inlets shall be Type A, B, G-1, or as appropriate for the storm sewer design, in accordance with the Highway Standards.
   (L)   The invert of temporary surface outlets, when permitted, shall be at least six inches above the flow line of the adjacent ditch. Erosion protection shall be required at the outlet and shall be approved by the City Engineer. Temporary pumping stations, when required, shall be approved by the City Engineer.
   (M)   No water from footing tiles or other source shall be pumped or discharged if the water may reasonably be expected to drain onto the surface of the street. Where possible, the water discharge pipes may be connected to discharge directly into the installed underground drainage facilities, or onto the ground in accordance with the provisions of § 152.361.
   (N)   When secondary drainage facilities (any drainage improvements located on private property and not maintained by the city) are required, all construction shall conform to the following standards.
      (1)   Except as otherwise expressed or stated hereunder, the construction of secondary drainage facilities shall be in accordance with the Standard Specifications for Road and Bridge Construction.
      (2)   Pipe material for the secondary drainage system located on private property and not maintained by the city, may be of a PVC type approved by the most recent edition of the Illinois Department of Transportation, Standard Specifications for Road and Bridge Construction.
      (3)   Pipe size shall be a minimum of six inches internal diameter including the lateral connection for each lot within the right-of-way.
      (4)   Pipe shall be laid on a uniform grade.
      (5)   The secondary drainage service to lots shall be installed within the street right-of-way.
      (6)   Manholes shall be provided at all junctions of the secondary drainage pipe. Material and the design of manholes shall be approved by the City Engineer. The connection of all secondary facilities to primary storm sewers shall be approved by the City Engineer.
      (7)   Dead ends of secondary systems shall be provided with cleanouts. The material and design of the cleanouts shall be as approved by the City Engineer.
(Ord. 10-3277, § 5-3.10, passed 1-4-2010)