The required street improvements vary with street type as defined in § 152.275 as well as development density as shown in Figure 152.262. All proposed street improvements shall be in accordance with the values shown.
Table 152.294(1): Street Improvements Inside and Within 1.5 miles of City Limits
Limited Access Roadway
Major Street
Collector Street
Local Street
Table 152.294(1): Street Improvements Inside and Within 1.5 miles of City Limits
Limited Access Roadway
Major Street
Collector Street
Local Street
Pavement - width back of curb to back of curb
40 ft.
31 ft.
Type of curb
5 ft.
5 ft.
5 ft.
4 ft.
Storm sewer+
Design in accordance with §§ 152.310, 152.311, 152.325 – 152.338, and 152.350 – 152.361
Pavement type
*    Pavement width to be determined by projected traffic and overall layout of the proposed street network and shall be approved by the City Engineer.
+   Storm sewer shall be from approved materials as listed in the most recent addition of the Illinois Department of Transportation Standard Specifications for Road and Bridge Construction.
Table 152.294(2): Street Improvements Within 1.5 Miles of City Limits (Only), Does Not Apply Within the City Limits
Note: This table is only applicable when the following criteria are both satisfied: Development density <= 1 dwelling unit per 1 acre**; and no more than 5 lots are proposed in the total development.
Limited Access Roadway
Major Street
Collector Street
Local Street
Pavement width
24 ft.
24 ft.
Type of curb
Not required
Not required
Not required
Not required
5 ft.
5 ft.
5 ft.
4 ft.
Storm sewer+
Not required
Not required
Not required
Not required
Pavement type
Shoulder width/type
10 ft./paved
8 ft./aggregate
5 ft./aggregate
4 ft./turf
*   Pavement width to be determined by projected traffic and overall layout of the proposed street network and shall be approved by the City Engineer.
+   Storm sewer shall be from approved materials as listed in the most recent addition of the Illinois Department of Transportation Standard Specifications for Road and Bridge Construction.
**   1 Dwelling unit = 1 Single-family home
Table 152.294(3): Pavement Type
Pavement Type
PCC pavement design in accordance with the Illinois Department of Transportation Pavement Design Policy for Rigid Pavements for 80,000 lb Truck Routes for Class II streets. (Min. 9 inches PCC pavement on 8 inches compacted aggregate base course.) Flexible pavement design is not accepted.
PCC pavement design in accordance with the Illinois Department of Transportation Pavement Design Policy for Rigid Pavements for Class III Streets. (Min. 8 inches PCC pavement on 4 inches compacted aggregate base course); or
Flexible pavement design in accordance with the Illinois Department of Transportation Pavement Design Policy for Flexible Pavements for Class III Streets. (Min. 6 inches bituminous mat in accordance with the standard specifications on 12 inches compacted aggregate base course.)
PCC pavement design in accordance with the Illinois Department of Transportation Pavement Design Policy for Rigid Pavements for Class IV Streets. (Min. 8 inches PCC pavement on earth subgrade); or
Flexible pavement design in accordance with the Illinois Department of Transportation Pavement Design Policy for Flexible Pavements for Class IV Streets. (Min. 4 inches bituminous mat in accordance with the standard specifications on 12 inches compacted aggregate base course.)
PCC pavement design in accordance with the Illinois Department of Transportation Pavement Design Policy for Rigid Pavements for Class IV Streets. (Min. 7.5 inches PCC pavement on earth subgrade); or
Flexible pavement design in accordance with the Illinois Department of Transportation Pavement Design Policy for Flexible Pavements for Class IV Streets. (Min. 3 inches bituminous mat in accordance with the standard specifications on 10 inches compacted aggregate base course.)
   (A)   Grading. Each street shall be graded to its full width, including side slopes. The elevation at the street right-of-way line shall be six inches above the top of the curb. If drainage ditches are permitted in lieu of curb and gutter as provided for in Table 152.294(2) above for surface drainage, the slope from shoulder line to ditch shall not be steeper than 3:1 and the back slopes not steeper than 2:1. Fill sections shall have slopes not steeper than 3:1. All exposed areas shall be reseeded by the developer, when weather conditions permit, to prevent soil erosion, which reseeding must be effective and take.
   (B)   Curb and gutter. A curb installed along a street which is intended to be used for local residential purposes, shall be one of the standard designs for combination concrete curb and gutter as established by standards of the Illinois Department of Transportation. Curb and gutter may be of either the barrier curb or mountable curb type and shall have a gutter width of not less than 12 inches. If the roadway surface is to be constructed of portland cement concrete, the curbs may be formed monolithically with the pavement (commonly known as integral curb) and shall conform to the cross-sectional requirements referred to for combination concrete curb and gutter. Openings for driveways may be constructed as shown for “depressed curb” during initial construction, or the curb may be sawed and removed at a later date and the driveway area reconstructed to the “depressed curb” design.
   (C)   Aggregate base course. Streets required to utilize an aggregate base course shall utilize a Type B aggregate as specified in the current edition of the Illinois Department of Transportation Standard Specifications. The aggregate base course shall extend one foot beyond the outside edge of the proposed curb and gutter or pavement edge if no curb and gutter is required.
   (D)   Regulations minimum. The regulations in this section contained shall not prevent the subdivider from constructing higher grade streets than specified in this DO.
   (E)   Cost estimate. Where major streets, as shown on the official plan, are located in a proposed subdivision, the city may require the subdivider to submit a cost estimate prepared by a registered professional engineer setting forth the estimated cost of construction of a minor street where the major street is shown. The estimate shall be subject to the approval of the City Engineer. The city may construct the major street as shown on the official plan at the city’s expense and require the subdivider to pay the city an amount equal to the estimated cost of the minor street.
(Ord. 10-3277, § 4-4.5, passed 1-4-2010)