(A)   Plat of consolidation. All or a portion of adjacent residential properties may be combined upon compliance with the following conditions.
      (1)   (a)   The owner or owners of the zoning lot shall file for record in the office of the County Recorder a deed, duly executed and acknowledged, which deed contains the legal description of all parcels to be included in the new zoning lot (and the remaining reduced lot if applicable), and contains a statement by the owner or owners that the property therein described shall not be conveyed separately without the written consent of the Director of Community Development or his or her designee.
         (b)   This consent shall be given by the Director, if, after inspection, it appears that no violations of the zoning ordinance or other ordinances of the city would be created by the separate conveyance of the lots of record contained in the zoning lot.
      (2)   Adjacent lots may be combined in their entirety or a portion of one lot may be transferred to an adjacent lot through this consolidation process to create one larger lot for development purposes.
      (3)   The separate tracts of land to be conveyed or designated for building permit purposes because of the consolidation, shall not be less than dimensions required to secure the minimum lot widths and minimum lot areas as specified in this DO.
   Figure 152.261
      (4)   As a result of the reduction or consolidation as authorized in this section, no remaining part of an original subdivision shall become a separately described tract having less than the minimum dimensions required to secure the minimum lot widths and the minimum lot areas as specified in this DO.
      (5)   Upon approval by the Director of Community Development or his or her designee, the Inspection Division, subject only to other applicable provisions of this code, is authorized to issue the building permit requested for any separately described tract designated and set forth upon the proposed plat, notwithstanding any provision of this DO to the contrary.
   Figure 152.261(A)(5): Consolidated Lot
   (B)   Minor plats. Plats that consist of three lots or less and which do not require the installation of public improvements other than sidewalks may be considered minor plats.
   (C)   Subdivision plat. Any division of land that is not a plat of consolidation or a minor plat shall be considered a subdivision.
      (1)   There are three required steps in the subdivision process:
         (a)   Pre-application conference;
         (b)   Planning and Zoning Commission review and recommendation; and
         (c)   City Council review and approval.
      (2)   Each step of the process shall generally be completed before initiating the next step.
(Ord. 10-3277, § 4-2.2, passed 1-4-2010; Ord. 12-3343, passed1-23-2012; Ord. 17-3538, passed 2-6-2017; Ord. 20-3609, passed 4-6-2020)