§ 152.232 B1, B2, B3 AND CPD DISTRICTS.
   The following on-premises signs shall be permitted and erected in accordance with the following standards.
   (A)   On-premises free-standing (pole, pylon, ground or monument) sign.
      (1)   One sign per lot.
      (2)   Maximum sign area of 100 square feet per side.
      (3)   Maximum of two sides per sign, back to back.
      (4)   Pole and pylon signs shall have a maximum height of 20 feet. Monument and ground signs shall have a maximum height of ten feet in any B2, B3 or CPD Zoning District, and a maximum height of six feet in any B1 District.
      (5)   Free-standing signs may incorporate changeable copy within the total permitted sign area.
      (6)   Minimum setback from the property line of ten feet.
   (B)   On-premises wall, projecting and roof signs.
      (1)   Total area of all signs shall be no greater than 10% of the wall area on which the sign or signs are to be placed. Permissible roof sign size will be based on the wall area of the wall facing in the same direction as the sign and shall be included in the total 10% permitted.
      (2)   Wall, projecting and roof signs should face the street, and shall not be located on the side of a business adjacent to a residential use.
      (3)   Projecting signs must comply with the installation requirements of § 152.214.
   (C)   Canopy or marquee sign. 
      (1)   Number. There shall be a limit of one canopy or one marquee sign per lot or per establishment, erected for the purpose of identifying the establishment, except as otherwise provided for in this subchapter, and provided that no wall signs are directed to the same street frontage.
   Figure 152.232(C)(2): Canopy Sign
      (2)   Location. Canopy/marquee signs may be mounted on the face (vertical edges only) of the canopy/marquee proper.
      (3)   Signable area. The signable area for canopy/marquee signs shall not extend beyond the canopy/marquee face on which the sign is located. No sign or portion of a sign shall exceed the borderline of any outer edge of the canopy/marquee. No sign shall be placed on or over the roof of the canopy/marquee.
      (4)   Setback. Must be at least two feet back from the curb line.
      (5)   Surface area. The surface area of a canopy/marquee sign shall not exceed ten square feet, or 30% of the signable wall area of a canopy/marquee, whichever is greater. A multiple-bay canopy/marquee, such as drive-up lanes at a financial institution, may have a sign for each bay, provided that the sum total of all the signs does not exceed 30% of the surface area of the face of the canopy/marquee that faces a public street or private drive.
      (6)   Projection. No canopy/marquee sign shall project more than eight inches from the canopy/marquee proper.
   Figure 152.232(C)(7): Marquee Sign
      (7)   Ground clearance. A clearance of seven feet shall be maintained from the lowest point on the canopy/marquee to the grade or walkway under the canopy/marquee.
      (8)   Shape. The outlined shape and silhouette of a canopy/marquee sign shall be simple and compatible with the building it is mounted on. Shapes that disrupt the architectural order and composition of a building façade are not acceptable.
      (9)   Scale and proportion. Canopy/marquee signs shall be harmonious in scale and proportion with the building they are mounted to and with the architectural elements of the building, such as windows, cornices, sign friezes and bays. A canopy/marquee sign shall not visually overpower those elements nor detract from the composition of the building façade.
      (10)   Material. Canopy/marquee signs shall be constructed of a non-combustible type material compatible with the building materials.
      (11)   Illumination. Canopy/marquee signs may only be internally illuminated.
      (12)   Under-canopy signs. In addition to the signs permitted in this subchapter, one under-canopy sign shall be permitted to be erected above a general public entrance into the establishment in order to identify the establishment, provided that:
         (a)   A minimum clearance of seven feet from the walkway is maintained;
         (b)   The sign shall be placed perpendicular to the building, with the top edge of the sign fastened to the bottom edge of the canopy;
         (c)   The sign shall not exceed three square feet in surface area;
         (d)   The sign may only be internally illuminated; and
         (e)   A limit of one sign per establishment shall be permitted.
   Figure 152.232(C)(12): Under-Canopy Sign
   (D)   Awning signs. Lettering and business logo may be painted or otherwise affixed to any permissible awning subject to the following regulations:
      (1)   Lettering and business logo shall not project above, below or beyond the physical dimensions of the awning;
      (2)   Lettering and business logo shall be the minimum necessary to identify the name of the business, building or address. If, however, the awning is to be used as the primary signage for the site, area limitations shall be consistent with wall sign requirements; and
   Figure 152.232(D)(3)a.: Awning Sign
      (3)   The maximum area of awning signage (lettering and logo) may not exceed the maximum allowed for wall sign areas. Awning signage shall be counted against permitted total wall sign area.
   Figure 152.232(D)(3)b.: Signage on Awnings
   (E)   On-premises free-standing highway identification signs.
      (1)   B1 and B3 Zoning Districts: not permitted.
      (2)   B2 and CPD: on-premises free-standing highway identification signs should be set back a minimum of ten feet.
   (F)   Real estate, contractor or developer sign.
      (1)   Maximum sign area of 32 square feet per side.
      (2)   Maximum of two sides per sign.
      (3)   Minimum setback from property line of ten feet. No setback of signs in B3 District required.
      (4)   Must be nonilluminated.
      (5)   Sign shall be removed within 14 days after the sale, lease or rental. Contractors shall remove their sign(s) within 14 days of project completion.
      (6)   No permit required.
   (G)   Menu board signs. In addition to the one permitted free-standing sign, two free-standing single-faced menu board signs shall be permitted per lot or outlot for restaurants with drive-through facilities, provided that the sign does not exceed 48 square feet in surface area and eight feet in height. The sign may only be internally illuminated. Menu board signs shall be permitted only in Business or CPD Zoning Districts.
   (H)   Sandwich boards.  
      (1)   A sandwich board is an A-frame type sign hinged at the apex and folded into a sandwich position when transported or stored. The purpose of this type of sign is to permit businesses located in the B3 Zoning District to utilize a portion of the city sidewalk adjacent to their place of business for the purpose of advertising.
      (2)   The following regulations apply to the sandwich board signs:
         (a)   Only one sandwich sign is permitted per business. It must be located directly in front of the premises being advertised and must not interfere with movement of pedestrians;
         (b)   Shall not exceed 30 inches in width and 36 inches in height;
         (c)   May be displayed during permitted store hours and when the store is open for business;
         (d)   Shall not require electrical in any form and shall not display lights or contain moving parts; and
         (e)   In the B3 Zoning District a sign must be placed close to building frontage and shall not reduce the width of the sidewalk to less than four feet.
(Ord. 10-3277, § 3-4.3, passed 1-4-2010; Ord. 12-3343, passed1-23-2012)