§ 152.231 O AND I DISTRICTS.
   The following on-premises signs shall be permitted and erected in accordance with the following standards.
   (A)   On-premises free-standing (pole, pylon, ground or monument) sign.
      (1)   One sign per lot.
      (2)   Maximum sign area of 32 square feet per side.
      (3)   Maximum of two sides per sign.
      (4)   Minimum setback from the property lines of ten feet.
      (5)   Maximum height of five feet for monument or 15 feet if pole mounted.
      (6)   Uses in the I District may include changeable copy within the total permitted sign area.
      (8)   Pole signs shall not be permitted in the O District.
   (B)   On-premises wall, projecting and roof signs.
      (1)   Maximum of one sign per business.
      (2)   Total area of sign shall be no greater than 5% of the wall area on which the sign is to be placed. For roof signs, the sign shall be no more than 5% of the wall facing the street.
      (3)   Wall, projecting and roof signs should face the street, and shall not be located on the side of a business adjacent to a residential use.
   (C)   Awning, canopy or marquee signs. Shall be nonilluminated or illuminated only from above by indirect lighting of constant intensity. All lighting shall be designed and located so as to confine direct rays to the premises and away from adjoining residential uses.
   (D)   Real estate, contractor or developer signs.
      (1)   Maximum sign area of 32 square feet per sign.
      (2)   Sign shall be removed within 14 days after the sale, lease or rental. Contractors shall remove their signs within 14 days after project completion.
      (3)   No permit required.
(Ord. 10-3277, § 3-4.2, passed 1-4-2010; Ord. 12-3343, passed1-23-2012)