The display of public, corporate and ancillary flags shall be permitted subject to the following requirements. These regulations are designed to control the use of permanent flagpoles or staff upon which the flag is located and the relationship of the flag to the flagpole or staff. Flags and flagpoles do not require a specific sign permit. Flags shall be permitted in all zoning districts subject to the following requirements.
   (A)   Flags shall be displayed only on permanent flagpoles or staffs designed and constructed specifically and exclusively for flag display. No public, corporate or ancillary flag shall be displayed on or attached in any manner to light poles, sign poles, trees, vehicles or similar structures or objects. The temporary display of flags where the requirements are impractical, such as a parade, holidays or special events, shall be deemed to be acceptable.
   (B)   There shall be a maximum of one flagpole per 100 feet of frontage within nonresidential zoning districts.
   (C)   Flagpoles shall be set back a minimum of ten feet from the property line.
   (D)   The display of more than two flags per flagpole shall be prohibited.
   (E)   The height of a flagpole shall be in proportion to the scale of the building to which the pole relates, and in no case shall it be higher than the following height limitations:
Table 152.215: Flag Pole Height Regulations
Building Height
Pole Height Measured from Grade
Single-family uses
25 feet
All other uses
   0 - 25 feet
30 feet
   25.1 feet or higher
35 feet
   (F)   The vertical length of a permitted single flag on a flagpole or staff shall not exceed one-quarter of the length of the pole or staff upon which the flag is hung. Under no circumstances shall any flag exceed 50 square feet in surface area. The official flag of the United States of America is exempt from this size restriction.
   (G)   Flags shall be displayed in the a manner that no portion of the flag shall project over any property line or contact any other structure when fully extended.
   (H)   Flags shall not be mounted on or over roofs or roof lines in any fashion. Wall-mounted public and corporate flags shall be displayed from flagpoles or staffs not to exceed ten feet in length. No portion of the flagpoles or staffs shall extend above the roof line or over a property line.
   (I)   Public flags shall be maintained in an orderly fashion, and in clean and good condition. The official flag of the United States of America shall be displayed in accordance with The Flag Code, 36 U.S.C. Chapter 10, as amended by Pub. L. No. 344, 94th Congress, approved July 7, 1976, or as amended in the future. All other public flags should be displayed in accordance with the same standards of respect and protocol.
   (J)   Corporate and ancillary flags shall be maintained in an orderly fashion, and in clean and good condition. Tattered or torn flags shall be removed or replaced promptly.
(Ord. 10-3277, § 3-3.11, passed 1-4-2010)