(A)   Monthly reporting. The owner or owners of each hotel room within the city shall file monthly tax returns showing the total number of rooms available for rent, the number of rooms rented, and the tax receipts received with respect to each hotel room during each month. The returns shall be due on or before the last day of the month for the preceding calendar month.
   (B)   Transmittal of tax. The tax shall be due on the day the monthly return is due as provided herein. At the time of filing such return, the owner shall pay to the City Treasurer all taxes, interest and penalties, if any, due for the period to which the return applies.
   (C)   Failure to pay tax. If for any reason any tax is not paid when due, a penalty and interest, as set by division (D) of this section, on the amount of tax which remains unpaid shall be added and collected. Whenever any person shall fail to pay any tax as herein provided, the corporation counsel upon the request of the Mayor shall bring or cause to be brought an action to enforce the payment of the tax on behalf of the city in any court of competent jurisdiction.
   (D)   Schedule of certain rates. The following rates are hereby set for purposes of this subchapter; provided that, the City Treasurer may from time to time increase or decrease any rate hereunder in order to equal those rates that may be set forth from time to time by Levy and Collection of Taxes statute for municipalities, ILCS Ch. 65, Act 5, §§ 8-3-14 et seq.:
      (1)   Penalty, 5% added to the amount of tax unpaid and uncollected.
      (2)   Interest, 1% added per month to the amount of tax unpaid and uncollected.
(Ord. O-07-22, passed 8-13-07; Ord. O-16-25, passed 12-12-16)