Prior to granting a permit for the erection of a sign to be located anywhere within the Nationally Registered Historic District of the city or to be attached to any building or premises of any building outside the Nationally Registered Historic District, but within the corporate limits of the city and constructed prior to the year 1900, the owner must make application to the Zoning Administrator who may require the Historic District Advisory Board (HDAB) to review the application and submit recommendations. The following guidelines are hereby established:
   (A)   All signs are subject to the standards in § 154.806.
   (B)   Except where otherwise allowed in this chapter, all signs shall be of material that was, or could have been, used at the time the building was erected.
   (C)   Except where otherwise allowed in this chapter, fluorescent, neon, or other bright or garish colors shall not be approved.
   (D)   Lettering shall be of a style compatible with the time the building was erected.
   (E)   All three-dimensional signs shall be of a style used at the time the building was erected and should pertain to the type of business conducted within, and shall be required to obtain HDAB approval.
   (F)   Signs may be externally illuminated only by fixtures compatible with the period in which the building was erected.
   (G)   All signs shall be constructed or painted in a workmanlike manner and all lettering intended to be of a uniform size and style.
   (H)   Signs of a period other than when the building was erected may be approved if of special design merit.
   (I)   Any original sign that was used at any time on a building prior to the year 1900, or an authentic facsimile thereof, may be replaced on that building subject only to § 154.812.
   (J)   Within the Historic District, signs shall identify only the name of the business and the general type of goods, products, or service offered. In addition to lettering, graphics may include a trademark, symbol or other representation directly related to the use but not advertising a specific brand sold within the building. A brand name or symbol may be included, however, if the business is a franchise and/or it is the major brand sold or service offered on the premises.
   (K)   Except where otherwise allowed in this chapter, the style, composition and appearance of all signs within the Nationally Registered Historic District shall comply as much as possible with design guidelines adopted by the city for administration of the District; e.g., "Architectural Styles and Design Elements of the Main Street Building of Galena, Illinois: 1830 - 1890."
(Ord. O-05-04, passed 4-11-05; Am. Ord. O-10-11, passed 3-22-10)