(A)   The requirements of this section apply to all land uses and activities.
   (B)   It shall be unlawful to operate or cause to be operated any planned or intentional source of electromagnetic radiation for such purposes as communication, experimentation, entertainment, broadcasting, heating, navigation, therapy, vehicle velocity measurement, weather survey, aircraft detection, topographical survey, personal pleasure, or any other use directly or indirectly associated with these purposes which does not comply with the then current regulations of the Federal Communication Commission regarding such sources of electromagnetic radiation. Further, said operation in compliance with the Federal Communications Commission shall be unlawful if such radiation causes an abnormal degradation in performance of other electromagnetic radiators or electromagnetic receptors of quality and proper design because of proximity, primary field, blanketing, spurious radiation, harmonic content, modulation or energy conducted by power or telephone lines. The determination of "abnormal degradation in performance" and "of quality and proper design" shall be made in accordance with good engineering practices as defined in the latest principles and standards of the American Institute of Electrical Engineers, the Institute of Radio Engineers, and the Electronic Industries Association. In case of any conflict between the latest standards and principles of the above groups, the following precedence in the interpretation of the standards and principles shall apply:
      (1)   American Institute of Electrical Engineers,
      (2)   Institute of Radio Engineers, and
      (3)    Electronic Industries Association.
(Ord. O-05-04, passed 4-11-05)