The City Engineer shall:
   (A)   Confer with the Mayor and City Council on policies and programs of public works construction and engineering; present annual budget estimates and work programs; coordinate and supervise the preparation of engineering plans, details and estimates of field and office engineering and construction work; inspection and engineering; prepare studies, reports and recommendations; serve as technical advisor to other departments; represent the city in local and other conferences relating to the public works programs; establish broad departmental policies for the Engineering Department; direct and coordinate the activities of subordinates engaged in carrying out these activities.
   (B)   Prepare and submit all necessary plans, maps, plats, profiles, specifications, and estimates for any public work, or improvements proposed and ordered by the City Council except in those cases where the city shall by ordinance or resolution contract for the services of a consulting engineering firm for large or special projects.
   (C)   Superintend the construction of all streets, pavements, bridges, sewers and other public improvements; receive, inspect and measure, when required, any and all lumber, bricks, stone or other material, to be used in the construction of any public work, and inspect and examine daily, or as often as necessary all public work in process of construction, except in those cases where the city shall, by ordinance or contract, provide for a special inspector or consultant.
   (D)   Preserve in his office all field notes, maps, plans, profiles, papers, books, writings, and records made by him, or in his hand, and index the same.
   (E)   Keep a complete and systematic record of all transactions within his department; record, in a suitable book, all grades and benchmarks established by the City Engineer. All such records shall be the exclusive property of the city.
   (F)   Attend all meetings of the City Council and perform such other duties pertaining to the office as may, from time to time, arise, or be imposed by the City Council.
   (G)   Annually, or more frequently, if requested, submit to the City Council a complete report of all operations, including a general abstract of all public works or improvements undertaken or completed during the preceding fiscal year, and all such other matters and information as may be deemed of importance or be required by the City Council.
('69 Code, § 2-198)