The Facilities Manager shall assist the City Administrator in implementing programs and policies set forth by the City Council. In particular, she or he shall be responsible for the following:
   (A)   Budget. Cooperate with the City Administrator and City Engineer in the development and monitoring of a long-range capital improvement plan for the city. Assist in presenting said plan to the City Council for approval.
   (B)   Development.
      (1)   Develop grant applications as directed by the City Administrator.
      (2)   Administer all grant contracts to insure compliance with the regulations and goals of the contract.
      (3)   Assist in locating additional sources of funding consistent with the city's Comprehensive Plan and Capital Improvement Plan.
      (4)   Work cooperatively with and assist department heads in the completion of projects and tasks.
   (C)   ATV Pool Management. Coordinate the overall operation of the Alice T. Virtue Memorial Pool:
      (1)   Complete financial and performance reports and report regularly to the City Council about the financial performance of the pool and concession operations.
      (2)   Establish and implement the annual promotional program.
      (3)   Develop the annual pool budget.
      (4)   Seek bids for chemicals, supplies and capital improvements.
      (5)   Develop and implement a maintenance and repair program to assure that the facility is in first class condition at all times.
      (6)   Supervise the Pool Area Supervisor and Concessions Area Supervisor in staffing and hiring.
   (D)   Public property, facilities and buildings.
      (1)   Assist the City Administrator in developing and maintaining an inventory of city owned property, facilities and buildings. Examples of these assets are parks, buildings such as Turner Hall and the Depot, vehicles and equipment, etc.
      (2)   Assist the City Administrator in developing, maintaining and implementing a maintenance program for city owned property, facilities and buildings.
      (3)   Assume the lead role developing and implementing strategies to reduce net operating and ownership costs of city owned property, facilities and buildings.
      (4)   Manage the city's grass mowing, snow shoveling, landscape maintenance and city property maintenance program.
   (E)   General administration.
      (1)   Administer city contracts to ensure compliance with local, state and federal laws and policies set forth by the City Council.
      (2)   Represent the city at such groups, advisory boards, or meetings as directed by the City Administrator.
      (3)   Supervise the following employees: ATV Pool Area Supervisor, ATV Pool Concessions Supervisor, grass mowing employees, snow shoveling employees and landscape maintenance employees.
      (4)   Perform such other duties as required.
('69 Code, § 2-43) (Ord. O-89-21, passed 8-28-89; Am. Ord. O-04-06, passed 2-23-04)