§ 110.11 SCAVENGERS.
   (A)   Permit requirement. It is unlawful for any person, firm or corporation to engage in the business of scavenger, or the collection of animal, human or vegetable refuse, or offal, without having first secured a permit therefor.
(‘82 Code, § 5.38.010)
   (B)   Application. Applications for such permits shall be made to the City Clerk, shall be referred to the Mayor and Council and shall be issued only on order of the Mayor and City Council.
(‘82 Code, § 5.38.020)
   (C)   Vehicular requirements. Any vehicle used by such scavenger in his or her business shall be watertight and equipped with tight covers for such portions as are used for the transportation of refuse. It is unlawful for any such vehicle to be driven over, through or on any street in the city on a Sunday.
(‘82 Code, § 5.28.030)
   (D)   Unlawful disposal of refuse. It is unlawful for any scavenger to dispose of or store any refuse any place in the city, or within one mile thereof, except by permission of the Mayor and Council.
(‘82 Code, § 5.28.040) Penalty, see § 10.99