(A)   As specified in this chapter for the management of residential solid waste to include refuse, curbside recycling and bulk brush there is established a service charge, as set in separate ordinance, the charge of which will be reviewed annually. Residential dwelling units or churches that exceed the garbage limit may opt to pay double service charge per month. No one residential dwelling unit or church may change from a single to a double or a double to a single service charge more than one time in any 12-month period.
   (B)   All users of residential dwelling unit or church water service within the city shall be required to pay the service charge whether or not they use this solid waste pick up service.
   (C)   The above service charge for apartment complexes of two to four units, duplexes, triplexes and quadplexes shall be assessed for each unit of the complex. Boarding houses shall be assessed three times the established service charge.
   (D)   It shall be unlawful for any person who is not receiving solid waste pick-up service to place any solid waste with the solid waste of a resident who is receiving such service.
   (E)   The city, or its authorized agent, will render bills for service under this chapter and determine all rates and charges in connection with this chapter and collect all money due for service under this chapter.
   (F)   The City Administrator shall have the authority to designate additional collection agencies that shall be financial institutions located within the city for the purpose of collecting any rates and charges for the services provided by this chapter. Unless specified otherwise in this chapter, no sum shall be paid to any such collection agent designated by the City Administrator for the services rendered in collecting the rates and charges of this chapter.
(Ord. 1120, passed 12-20-99) Penalty, see § 53.99