(A)   Following is the procedure for calculating wastewater service charges for users located within the corporate limits:
      (1)   Metered users. The wastewater service charge for metered users shall be computed using the following formula:
   WC   =   B + V (OM&R) + V (DSR) + S
      Where WC = Amount of wastewater service charge in dollars per billing period.
   B   =   Basic user charge for the payment of billing and administrative expense (fixed expense)
   V   =   Wastewater volume in 1000 gallons per billing period to the lowest increment of 1000 gallons.
   OM&R   =   Basic user rate for variable OM&R costs in dollars per 1000 gallons.
   DSC   =   Debt service charge for the fixed charge applicable to payment of debt service in dollars per billing period.
   S   =   Amount of wastewater surcharge in dollars as computed by the surcharge formula.
      (2)   Nonmetered users.
         (a)   Users without water meters of the wastewater facilities within the corporate limits shall be required to install a metering device within six months of passage of this chapter. Calculation of an estimated usage shall be based upon the average usage for a similar household and shall be set by the City Administrator.
         (b)   Users without water meters of the wastewater facilities located outside the corporate limits of the city shall be required to install a metering device within six months of passage of this chapter. Calculations of estimated usage shall be based upon the average usage for a similar household and shall be set by the City Administrator. All charges for users outside the corporate limits of the city shall be twice the charge for users located inside the corporate limits of the city.
         (c)   Charge for septic waste disposal. The operator of the wastewater treatment plant (WWTP) is authorized to accept septic waste from haulers. Each hauler will be charged per 1,000 gallons or for any part of 1,000 gallons. Each hauler will certify the origin of the waste and provide a billing address. The WWTP operator will forward to the City Clerk an invoice so that the Clerk may send out a proper sewer bill to the hauler. Rates are to be determined at least annually and in all cases at the time when other wastewater rates are set but may be set more often than other wastewater rates.
      (2)   Multiple unit users. A multiple unit user is defined as any additional number of family or commercial units located on the same premises or being served through a single water meter or sewer connection, such as apartment buildings, more than one commercial unit in the same building or commercial and residential units located in the same building. In all such cases, there shall be an additional debt service charge for each additional unit provided with sewer service and served by the single connection. The additional debt service charge for each unit shall be added to the bill computed in the manner as set forth.
   (B)   The sewer rate charges for connections to a wastewater service outside the corporate limits of the city shall be twice the amount for rates charged for connections inside the corporate limits of the city.
(Ord. 1121, passed 12-20-99; Am. Ord. 1119, passed 1-20-99)