Rates and charges for the use of and service supplied by the sewerage system of the city shall be set by ordinance and reviewed at least annually and shall be:
   (A)   Basic user charge.
   (B)   Basic user rate (OM&R).
   (C)   Debt service charge.
   (D)   A debt service rate for locations not within the city limits.
   (E)   Surcharge rates and charges.
      (1)   The rate of surcharges for BOD and SS shall be as set by ordinance.
      (2)   The surcharge per user shall be computed by the following formula:
   S   =   V (0.6238) (A (BOD5-200) + B (SS-250)
      Where S = Amount of surcharge in dollars
   V   =   Wastewater volume in 100 cubic feet per billing period
   (0.6238)   =   Unit weight of water
   A   =   Unit charge for BOD5 per pound
   BOD5   =   5 day biochemical oxygen demand, milligrams per liter
   200   =   Allowable average BOD5 concentration, milligrams per liter
   B   =   Unit charge for SS per pound
   SS   =   Suspended solids, per pound
   250   =   Cable average SS concentration, milligrams per liter
(Ord. 1121, passed 12-20-99)