For the purpose of this chapter buildings to be moved are classified as follows:
CLASS "A": Any building moved on a motor truck or on any vehicle propelled by its own power.
CLASS "B": Any building which when loaded on dollies, rollers or trailer does not exceed twenty-two feet in height or thirty feet in width.
CLASS "C": Except as hereinafter provided, any building not otherwise classified which when loaded on dollies, rollers or trailer does not exceed twenty-eight feet in height, or forty feet in width.
CLASS "D": Any building which when loaded on dollies, rollers or trailer exceeds twenty-eight feet in height or forty feet in width.
CLASS "E": Any building, the walls of which are of masonry or concrete construction and which when loaded on dollies or rollers exceeds twenty-two feet in height or thirty feet in width.
(Ord. 1309 § 2 (part), 1963).