The 1988 State Building Code is amended by the addition of Chapter 89, Earthquake Hazard Reduction for Existing Tilt-up Buildings, to read as follows:
"The purpose of this chapter is to promote public safety and welfare by reducing the risk of death or injury that may result from the effects of earthquakes on concrete tilt-up buildings constructed or issued a building permit prior to the adoption of the 1973 Edition of the Uniform Building Code. Such buildings have been widely recognized for sustaining life-hazardous damage, including partial or complete collapse during moderate to strong earthquakes, due to inadequate wall anchorage to the horizontal diaphragm.
"The provisions of this chapter are intended as minimum standards for structural seismic resistance established primarily to reduce the risk of life loss or injury by the installation of wall anchors and connections to the horizontal diaphragms. Compliance with these standards will not necessarily prevent loss of life or injury or prevent earthquake damage to rehabilitated buildings. This chapter does not require alteration of existing electrical, plumbing, mechanical or fire safety systems unless they constitute a hazard to life or property as determined by the Building Official.
"This chapter provides systematic procedures and standards for identification and classification of concrete tilt-up wall buildings based on their present use. Priorities, time periods and standards are also established under which these buildings are required to be structurally analyzed and anchored. Where analysis finds deficiencies, this chapter requires the building to be strengthened or demolished.
"(a) GENERAL. The provisions of this chapter shall apply to all buildings constructed or under construction prior to April 6, 1974 or for which a building permit was issued prior to April 6, 1974, and which on the effective date of this ordinance has concrete tilt-up bearing walls as defined herein.
"(b) ALTERATIONS OR ADDITIONS. All buildings which are subject to the provisions of this chapter may not be added to or structurally altered without complying in full with the provisions of this chapter for earthquake hazard reductions.
"EXCEPTION: The Building Official may determine that the proposed work is minor in nature and essential to the continued business operation and not require compliance as a condition of permitting the new work.
"(c) EFFECTIVE DATES. The provisions of this chapter shall be in effect upon adoption by the City Council. Specific time frames for enforcement shall be established by City Council resolution.
"For purposes of this chapter, the applicable definitions in Sections 2302 and 2312 of the 1988 State Building Code shall apply. Buildings shall be defined by occupancy type or function as specified in Table No. 23-K of the 1988 State Building Code.
"TILT-UP CONCRETE WALL: A concrete wall having all of the following characteristics:
"1. Provides the vertical or lateral support for a floor or roof.
"2. The total superimposed vertical load is over 100 pounds per linear foot or greater.
"3. The concrete panels are site cast horizontally and erected by mechanical means into a vertical position.
"The rating classifications shown in Table No. 23-K of the 1988 State Building Code are hereby established and each building within the scope of this chapter shall be placed in one such rating classification by the Building Official. The total occupant load of the entire building as determined by Section 3302(a) shall be used to determine the rating classification.
"EXCEPTION: For the purpose of this chapter, portions of building constructed to act independently when resisting seismic forces may be placed in separate rating classifications.
"The owner of each building within the scope of this chapter shall cause a structural analysis of the building to be made by a civil or structural engineer or architect licensed by the State of California. If the building does not meet the minimum earthquake standards specified in this chapter, the owner shall either cause it to be structurally altered to conform to such standards; or cause the building to be demolished.
"The owner of a building within the scope of this chapter shall comply with the requirements set forth above by submitting to the Building Official for review within the time limits established by City Council resolution.
"After plans are submitted and approved by the Building Official, the owner shall obtain a building permit, commence and complete the required construction within the time limits established by City Council resolution. These time limits shall run from the date the order is served in accordance with Section 8906(a) and (b).
"(a) Service of Order. The Building Official shall issue an order, as provided in Section 8906(b), to the owner of each building within the scope of this chapter as specified in the time limits established by City Council resolution from the effective date of Chapter 89. Upon receipt of a written request of the owner, the Building Official shall order a building to comply prior to the normal service date for such building set forth in this section.
"(b) Contents of Order. The order shall be in writing and shall be served either personally or by certified or registered mail upon the owner as shown on the last equalized assessment, and upon the person, if any, in apparent charge or control of the building. The order shall specify that the building has been determined by the Building Official to be within the scope of this chapter and, therefore, is required to meet the minimum seismic standards of this chapter. The order shall specify the rating classification of the building and time limits for compliance.
"(c) Appeal Form Order. The owner or person in charge or control of the building may appeal to the Planning Commission acting as the Board of Appeals the Building Official's initial determination that the building is within the scope of this chapter. Such appeal shall be filed with the Board within 60 days from the service date of the order described in Section 8906(b). Any such appeal shall be decided by the Board no later than 60 days after the date that the appeal is filed. Such appeal shall be made in writing upon appropriate forms provided therefor, by the Building Official and the grounds thereof shall be stated clearly and concisely. Each appeal shall be accompanied by a filing fee as set forth in the City Council resolution which establishes fees for building activities.
"Appeals and requests for slight modifications from any other determinations, orders or actions by the Building Official pursuant to this chapter, shall be made in accordance with the normal appeal procedures established in this code.
"(d) Recordation. At the time that the aforementioned order is served, the Building Official shall file with the office of the County Recorder a certificate stating that the subject building is within the scope of Chapter 89. The certificate shall also state that the owner thereof has been ordered to structurally analyze the building and to structurally alter or demolish it where it is not found to comply with Chapter 89.
"If the building is not found to be within the scope of this chapter, or as a result of structural alterations or an analysis is found to be structurally capable of resisting minimum seismic forces required by this chapter; or is demolished; the Building Official shall file with the office of the County Recorder a certificate terminating the status of the subject building as being classified within the scope of Chapter 89.
"(e) Enforcement. If the owner or other person in charge or control of the subject building fails to comply with any order issued by the Building Official pursuant to this chapter within any of the time limits set forth in the City Council resolution, the Building Official shall order the entire building vacated and remain vacated until such order has been complied with. If compliance with such order has not been accomplished within 90 days after the date the building has been ordered vacated, or by such additional time as may have been granted by the Board of Appeals, the Building Official may order demolition of the building in accordance with the Uniform Code for the Abatement of Dangerous Buildings provisions of this code.
"Every structure within the scope of this chapter shall be analyzed and reinforced to resist minimum total lateral seismic forces as determined in accordance with Section 2312(h) 2-H and I, of the 1988 edition of the State Building Code.
"All materials permitted by the currently-adopted edition of the Uniform Building Code including the appropriate allowable stresses may be utilized to meet the requirements of this Chapter.
"(a) General. In addition to the seismic analysis required elsewhere in this Chapter, the licensed engineer or architect responsible for the seismic analysis of the building shall determine and record the information required by this Section on the approved plans.
"(b) Plans and Specifications. Plans, engineering calculations, diagrams and other data shall be submitted in two or more sets with each application for a building permit.
"(c) Information on Plans and Specifications. Plans and specifications shall be drawn to scale upon substantial medium and shall be of sufficient clarity to indicate the location, nature and extent of the work proposed and show in detail that it will conform to the provisions of this Chapter and all relevant codes, laws, ordinances, rules and regulations. Plans for buildings shall also indicate how required structural and fire-resistive integrity will be maintained where a penetration will be made for electrical, mechanical, plumbing and communication conduits, pipes and similar systems.
"(d) Existing Construction. The following existing construction information shall be made part of the approved plans:
"1. The type and dimension of existing walls and the size and spacing of floor and roof members.
"2. The extent and type of existing wall anchorage to floors and roof members.
"3. Accurately dimensioned floor plans and concrete wall elevations showing dimensioned openings, piers, wall thickness and heights.
"4. The location of cracks and damaged portions of concrete wall requiring repair.
"For the purpose of complying with this Chapter, the Building Official may authorize that the repair work may proceed continuously without a continuous city inspection provided an approved deputy inspector is on site during all phases of the work. The deputy inspector shall be approved by complying with all of the following:
"1. Have a Deputy Inspector Certificate, as a concrete inspector, issued by I.C.B.O.
"2. Be a representative of an approved testing lab.
"3. Demonstrate a working knowledge of Chapters 23, 25 and 26 to the satisfaction of the Building Official.
"4. Experience of at least one year in the inspection and testing of typical concrete to wood connection.
"The deputy inspector shall report to the Building Official at the start of each working day informing the jurisdiction of the inspector's name, certification number and job address. The deputy inspector shall prepare and submit a daily record of inspections to the Building Official. For the purpose of complying with this section, the deputy inspector will have the authority to issue a stop work order to obtain compliance. In no case shall the deputy inspector allow work to proceed which will constitute a violation of the code or a contradiction to the approved plans. Whenever the work is stopped or progressing in non-compliance, the deputy inspector shall immediately notify the Building Official for enforcement. Upon completion of all work, the deputy inspector shall notify the Building Official in writing that the work is complete and in compliance. Final approval of the work shall be the responsibility of the Building Official."
(Ord. 2884 § 3 (part), 1996; Ord. 2810 § 1 (part), 1992; Ord. 2681, 1990).