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12.08.110   Deposit in sewer restricted.
   A.   No person shall throw or deposit any material or liquid into any vessel or receptacle directly or indirectly connected to a public sewer that is not in conformance with current County Sanitation District of Orange regulations. This shall include, but not be limited to, storm drain discharge, ground water discharge, toxic or malodorous gases or materials.
   B.   No person shall introduce into the sewer system a quantity of fats, oils, or grease that would cause or contribute to a blockage of any lateral, collector, or main line, in accordance with the City's Fats, Oils, and Grease Control program. Each person who discharges wastewater to the sewer system shall take all practicable steps to prevent the accidental or intentional introduction of such materials into the sewer system.
   C.   The City shall enforce the general and specific prohibitions of the national pretreatment program under Title 40 of the Code of Federal Regulations, Section 403.5, as they pertain to the City's status as a collector system for the Orange County Sanitation District. No person shall therefore introduce any of the following into the City's sewer system:
      1.   Pollutants which create a fire or explosion hazard in the sewer collection system or the Publicly Owned Treatment Works (POTW), including, but not limited to, waste streams with a closed cup flashpoint of less than 140° Fahrenheit or 60° Centigrade using the test methods specified in 40 Code of Federal Regulations 261.21.
      2.   Pollutants which will cause corrosive structural damage to the sewer collection pipes and structures, but in no case discharges with pH lower than 5.0, unless the work is specifically designed to accommodate such discharges.
      3.   Solid or viscous pollutants in amounts which will cause obstruction to the flow in the sewer collection system or the POTW resulting in interference.
      4.   Any pollutant, including oxygen demanding pollutants (BOD, etc.) released in a discharge at a flow rate and/or pollutant concentration which will cause interference with the POTW.
      5.   Heat in amounts which will inhibit biological activity in the POTW resulting in interference, but in no case heat in such quantities that the temperature at the POTW Treatment Plant exceeds 40° Centigrade (104° Fahrenheit) unless the Approval Authority, upon request of the POTW, approves alternate temperature limits.
      6.   Petroleum oil, non-biodegradable cutting oil, or products of mineral oil in amounts that will cause interference or pass through.
      7.   Pollutants which result in the presence of toxic gases, vapors, or fumes within the sewer collection system or the POTW in a quantity that may cause acute worker health and safety problems.
      8.   Any trucked or hauled pollutants.
(Ord. 3050 § 1 (part), 2004; Ord. 2735 § 1 (part), 1990).