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8.44.180   Vehicle storage in streets.
   A.    TIME LIMIT. No person shall park or leave standing upon any highway, street or alley in the city any vehicle for seventy-two or more consecutive hours.
   B.    REMOVAL. Any regularly employed and salaried officer of the Fullerton Police Department and, when designated by the Fullerton Chief of Police, any regularly employed and salaried employee who is engaged in the direction of traffic or enforcement of parking regulations, may remove from any highway, except a freeway, and may remove from any street or alley, in the city, any vehicle parked or left standing thereon for seventy-two or more consecutive hours. Such removal shall be in accordance with the provisions of the California Vehicle Code.
(Ord. 1610 § 1, 1969; prior 3210.54 -- Ord. 966 § 2 (part), 1959).