The Parks and Recreation Commission is responsible to the City Council for policy advice recommendation on the total scope of city-sponsored park and recreation activities in the community. The duties and responsibilities of the Park and Recreation Commission shall be as follows:
A. To encourage broad citizen participation in park and recreation activities, which includes parks, recreation, human services and cultural and fine arts.
B. To evaluate and weigh community values in the development of a park and recreation program.
C. To conduct studies and make recommendations which promote and encourage high standards and increased opportunities in park and recreation activities and programs that are in the best interests of the City in accordance with the City’s General Plan.
D. As directed by the City Council, to review and make recommendations on the Capital Improvement Program, annual budget, future park and recreation developments and the coordination of park and recreation services with other governmental agencies and voluntary organizations.
E. To appoint and serve on committees, as necessary, to study and make policy recommendations on park and recreation concerns, projects and programs.
F. To perform such other related duties and functions as the City Council may from time to time direct or otherwise appoint the Commission to administer or coordinate on behalf of the City. (Ord. 3259 §1, 2018)