It is unlawful for any person, firm, association or corporation to interfere with the free passage over or upon any street, alley or sidewalk in the city by placing any goods, wares, merchandise, displays, signs, containers or other similar articles thereon for display, sale or amusement purposes. This does not apply to:
A. Newspaper stands, provided that they do not extend more than one foot from the property line;
B. Magazine display stands placed by the owner or occupant of real property on the sidewalk provided that they do not extend more than one foot from the property line;
C. Use of the side of a street for the purpose of depositing building materials during the course of construction of a building or other improvement adjacent thereto under such regulations as are or may be prescribed by the Traffic Engineer in such a case. (Ord. 1185 § 1, 1961; 3210.58 -- Ord. 996 § 2 (part), 1959).