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8.28.010   Regulation on certain streets and highways.
   A.   GROSS WEIGHT. Whenever by resolution the City Council designates and describes any street or portion thereof, and signs are erected giving notice thereof, no person shall operate any vehicle with a gross weight in excess of the amount specified in the resolution at any time upon any of the streets or portions thereof described in the resolution.
   B.   COMMERCIAL VEHICLE. Whenever by resolution the City Council designates and describes any street or portion thereof as being subject to the weight limit use provided by this section, and signs are erected thereon giving notice thereof, no person shall drive any commercial vehicle at any time while its gross weight as then loaded or unloaded exceeds ten thousand pounds, upon any of the streets or parts of streets described in any such resolution, except that such vehicles may be driven on any portion thereof necessary for the purpose of delivering or picking up of materials or merchandise, by entering upon such restricted use street at its intersection, with a street the use of which is not so restricted, nearest to the destination of the vehicle for such pick-up or delivery and by then proceeding by the most direct route to such destination and then directly to the nearest street the use of which is not so restricted.
   C.   PASSENGER BUSES EXEMPT. The provisions of this section shall not apply to passenger buses under the jurisdiction of the public utilities commission or to school buses. (Ord. 3115 § 1, 2008; Ord. 1885 § 2, 1973; prior 3210.56 -- Ord. 1101, 1960: Ord. 996 § 2 (part), 1959).