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8.12.050   Exemption to certain vehicles.
   A.    EMERGENCY VEHICLES. The provisions of this title regulating the operation, parking and standing of vehicles shall not apply to any vehicle of the Police or Fire Departments, any ambulance or any public utility vehicle or any private ambulances, which public utility vehicle or private ambulance has qualified as an authorized emergency vehicle, when vehicle mentioned in this section is operated in the manner specified in the Vehicle Code in response to an emergency call.
   B.    DRIVERS. The foregoing exemptions shall not, however, protect the driver of any such vehicle from the consequences of his wilful disregard of the safety of others.
   C.    UTILITY AND CITY VEHICLES. The provisions of this title regulating the parking, standing, stopping or weight limitations of vehicles shall not apply:
      1.    To any vehicle of the City or of a public utility while necessarily in use for construction or maintenance work upon the streets of this city or while en route to or from such work; or
      2.    To any vehicle used by the United States for collection, transportation or delivery of United States mail.
   D.    PRIVATE CONTRACTOR. The provisions of this title regulating the parking or standing of vehicles may be waived for any vehicle of a private contractor or material man while such vehicle is necessarily in use for the performance of work related to the construction, maintenance, repair of private buildings or other improvements or installations of facilities therein when such work is performed on premises located adjacent to such regulated parking or standing area, provided that said private contractor or material man has been issued prior thereto a permit in accordance with Chapter 16.07. (Ord. 2733 § 1, 1990; Ord. 1885 § 1, 1973; prior 3210.15 -- Ord. 996 § 2 (part), 1959).