Whenever in this title the following terms are used, they shall have the meaning respectively ascribed to them in this section:
A. “Alley” means a public way without sidewalks which does not exceed twenty-five feet in width between property lines.
B. “Barrier” shall be deemed to include any lumber, boards, rope or other material placed or stretched across any portion of such street, avenue, alley, sidewalk or other highway, which shall be plainly visible at a distance of not less than one hundred feet in the daytime and which shall be illuminated at night with a red lighted lantern or other lighting or reflection device.
C. “Bus” means any motor bus, motor coach, trackless trolley coach or passenger stage used as a common carrier of passengers.
D. “Holiday” means those days designated as federal holidays and such holidays as may be designated by the City Council.
E. “Loading zone” means that place adjacent to a curb reserved for the exclusive use of vehicles during the loading and unloading of passengers or materials.
F. “Parade” means any procession of two or more vehicles or two or more persons moving on or along a public street, other than a crosswalk for the purpose of ostentatious display, or show or for the purpose of advertising any show, exhibition, game or any goods, wares or merchandise.
G. “Parking” means to stop or allow to stand any vehicle whether occupied or not, otherwise than in obedience to official traffic control devices or by direction of a police officer.
H. “Parking control officer” means a person designated by the Chief of Police to issue citations for violations of parking prohibitions and regulations and whose chief duties are to patrol designated areas of the City to discover violations of parking restrictions and regulations and to generally enforce parking regulations and do the related work required in accordance with the class specification of this position. A “parking control officer” may be a sworn police officer, a parking control aid, a person that is employed by the company contracted to provide parking enforcement services to the City or such other person as may be designated by the Chief of Police to issue citations for parking violations.
I. “Parking facility” means any off-street parking facility, either open or enclosed, including surface parking, parking lots and parking structures, designed or used for the parking of motor vehicles.
J. “Parkway” means that remaining portion of a right-of-way set apart or dedicated for public travel other than a roadway or a sidewalk.
K. “Passenger loading zone” means the space adjacent to a curb reserved for the exclusive use of vehicles during the loading or unloading of passengers.
L. “Police Officer” means a sworn member of the Police Department or any employee of the City authorized by the Chief of Police to direct or regulate traffic or to make arrests for violations of the traffic regulations.
M. “Prohibited parking” means no standing of a vehicle, except when occupied to load or unload passengers or materials or necessary to avoid conflict with other vehicles or to comply with directions of a police officer or traffic control device.
N. “Stop” means complete cessation of movement.
In addition to the definitions set forth above, all definitions of words and phrases set forth in the Vehicle Code of the State of California are incorporated in this title as though set forth in full herein. (Ord. 3274, § 1, 2019)