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7.95.060   Criteria to grant permit.
   The applicant shall establish that the following criteria are met, and if the criteria are met, the permit shall be granted:
   A.   No adult use development permit for an adult business shall be granted unless the adult business is located on a legally created lot classified in zones C-2, C-H, C-M, M-P or M-G.
   B.   In those zoned areas where an adult business may locate, such business may not locate within seven hundred fifty feet of any residential zone or any schools, parks, playgrounds, day care facilities, special needs housing facilities, or mobile home parks located within an area zoned for residential or public land use within the City or within an area zoned for residential uses in adjoining cities, (hereinafter "the protected uses"). The distance between a proposed use and any of the protected uses shall be measured between the
nearest property line of the proposed use, and the nearest property line included within the residential zone or the nearest property line of any of the protected uses, along a straight line extended between the two points.
   C.   The proposed adult business shall be consistent with the General Plan of the City.
   D.   The proposed site meets the development and design standards of the underlying zone or land use designation in which it is to be located, as set forth in Chapters 15.30 and 15.41.
   E.   The building in which the proposed use is sought to be located complies with all local, State and Federal laws, including all Fire and Health Code requirements.
   F.   The proposed use and its projected traffic generation is consistent with the established level of service from the City's Circulation Element or any applicable adopted traffic/circulation-related plan of the County of Orange, State of California, or United States government agency.
   G.   The applicant has not been convicted within the past four years of a misdemeanor or felony classified by the State as a sex or sex-related offense. (Ord. 3171 § 4, 2011: Ord. § 5 (part), 1996).