Any corporation, organization, group, community chest or trust which is exempted from the payment of the bank and corporation tax by Sections 2370l(a), 23701(b), 23701(d), 23701(e), 23701(f), 23701(g) or 23701(l) of the Revenue and Taxation Code, any mobile home park association, or any senior citizens organization shall be eligible to apply to the City for a license to conduct bingo games in the city under the provisions of this chapter and Section 326.5 of the Penal Code; provided, said applicant has owned or leased property within the city that has been used by the applicant as an office or for the performance of the purposes for which the applicant is organized for at least twelve consecutive months immediately preceding the filing of such application. (Ord. 2340 § 1 (part), 1980).