The permit holder shall have the right to a hearing, on all violations listed in the notice. The permit shall, however, be suspended unless the Department receives from the permit holder, before nine a.m. of the date specified under Section 5.03.070(D) a written or oral request for a hearing, or notice that all violations have been corrected as specified.
The hearing shall be held by the Health Officer or his duly authorized representative who is a qualified sanitarian as defined in Section 540 of the California Health and Safety Code and registered as provided in Section 542 thereof, but shall not be the Inspector who reported the violations or who inspected any corrective measures taken.
The person conducting the hearing shall make a written order as to each alleged violation listed on the notice and shall deliver a signed copy thereof to the permittee. As to each violation, the order shall either:
A. Suspend the permit until it is corrected; or
B. Extend the time or modify the measures to be taken for correction before suspension; or
C. Declare that the violation has been corrected so as to comply with the applicable law; or
D. Declare that there was no violation. (Ord. 1915 § 2 (part), 1973).