In addition to the requirements specified in Section 5.03.075 above, mobile food-preparation vehicles, which operate at more than one location in any calendar day, shall comply with the following additional requirements:
A. Coffee urns shall be installed in a compartment that will prevent excessive spillage of coffee in the interior of the vehicle in the event of a sudden stop, collision or overturn, or, as an alternative to this requirement, coffee urns shall be equipped with positive-closing lids as well as perforated-metal protective sleeves on the glass liquid-level sight gauges.
B. Deep-fat fryers are prohibited, unless equipped with positive-closing lids to contain the fat and to prevent splashing or excessive spillage in transit or in the event of a sudden stop, collision or overturn of the vehicle. Such lids shall be designed and constructed so as to prevent pressure build-up which could result in an explosion. All lids shall be kept positively closed while the vehicle is in motion. Signs setting forth the latter requirement shall be posted in both English and Spanish.
C. Water bath or steam hot-food insert warming tables shall be provided with baffles to prevent surging in transit. All such tables, as well as dry-heat units, their insert food containers and similar equipment that contains hot liquids or hot foods shall have positive-closing lids to contain all such liquids or foods and to prevent splashing or spillage in transit or in the event of a sudden stop, collision, or overturn of the vehicle. Such lids shall be designed and constructed so as to prevent pressure buildup which could result in an explosion. All lids shall be positively closed while the vehicle is in motion. Signs setting forth the latter requirement shall be posted in both English and Spanish.
D. Safety Exit Facilities. An alternate means of exit in the side opposite the main exit door, or the roof, or the rear of the vehicle, with unobstructed passage of sixty-one centimeters by sixty-one centimeters (twenty- four inches by twenty-four inches) minimum to the outside, shall be provided. The interior latching mechanism shall be operable by hand without special tools or key. The exit shall be labeled "Safety Exit" in contrasting colors with at least 2.54 centimeter (one-inch) high letters. (Ord. 2297 § 4, 1979).