Section 4911 Fuel Modification Requirements in Protected Areas (Added)
All new construction within the high or very high fire severity zones, as identified by the California State Fire Marshal, shall comply with the following:
1. The fuel modification plans shall comply with Fullerton Fire Department Standard Fullerton Very High Fire Hazard Severity Zone Requirements — Technical Design for New Construction Fuel Modification Plans and Maintenance Program.
2. Preliminary fuel modification plans shall be submitted to and approved by the fire code official concurrent with the submittal for approval of any tentative map(s).
3. Final fuel modification plans shall be submitted to and approved by the fire code official prior to the issuance of a grading permit.
4. The fuel modification plan may be altered if conditions change. Any alterations to the fuel modification areas shall have prior approval by the fire code official.
5. All elements of the fuel modification plan shall be maintained in accordance with the approved plan and are subject to the enforcement process outlined in the Fire Code.
(Ord. 3317 § 1 (part), 2022).