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Appendix B.   Surfacing Specifications.
Recreational Trail (Regional, Backbone, Feeder, and Connector)
Grades less than 7%
4 inches of compacted decomposed granite on 4 inches of compacted aggregate base
Grades greater than 7%
6 of compacted aggregate base
Additional drainage and erosion control must be addressed.
Multi-recreational Trail (Regional and Backbone)
Grades less than 7%
All weather: 4 inches of concrete or 3 inches of asphalt on 4 inches of compacted aggregate base
Equestrian: 4 inches of compacted decomposed granite on 4 inches of compacted aggregate base
Grades greater than 7%
All weather: 4 inches of concrete or 3 inches of asphalt on 4 inches of compacted aggregate base
Equestrian: 4 inches of compacted decomposed granite on 4 inches of compacted aggregate base
Additional drainage and erosion control must be addressed.
(Ord. 3182, passed 5-15-2012)