The Chief of Police, in considering any application for, or revocation or condition of, any permit provided for by this chapter, shall take into account the reputation and criminal record, if any, of the person or persons applying for or operating under such permit, the number and nature of any violations of law occurring at or in the vicinity of any dancing activity conducted by said person or persons in the city prior to such consideration and the location and time where and when dancing is being or is proposed to be held. Any permit may be denied or revoked or continued under condition as provided for in Section 3.48.070, if the neighborhood has been, or is, one that produces an above average number of violations of law, or violations of any provision of this chapter have occurred in the place of business under consideration. No permit shall be issued if the applicant or any person interested in or having any control of any part of the management of the dance has been convicted of a felony or of a misdemeanor involving moral turpitude or any act of physical violence. Any such conviction will justify the revocation of any existing permit.
No permit for a public dancing place shall be granted or continued unless the place of business, for which the permit is applied for or has been granted, is a bona fide eating place and conforms to all of the requirements of subsection (e) of Section 3.48.010. (Ord. 1921 § 2 (part), 1973).