A. All large event applicants shall develop and submit to the City a waste management plan for reducing and recycling waste as part of the application for a permit. The waste management plan shall include the following information.
1. An estimate of the anticipated amount and type of waste generated and material disposed and diverted from the event;
2. Proposed actions to reduce, reuse and recycle the amount of waste generated from the event;
3. Arrangements for separation, collection and diversion from landfills of reusable and recyclable materials.
B. All large venues shall develop and submit to the City a waste management plan on an annual basis on or before January 1 of each year. The waste management plan shall include the following:
1. An estimate of the amount and type of waste generated and material disposed and diverted from the venue.
2. The existing solid waste reduction, reuse and recycling programs that the operator of the large venue utilizes.
C. All large event applicants and large venue operators shall, on or before July 1, and on or before July 1 biennially thereafter, meet with recyclers and waste service providers of the large event or large venue to determine the appropriate waste reduction programs to meet the requirements of this chapter.
(Ord. 3127, § 2 (part), 2009).