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3.24.290   Permit term and renewal.
   A.   Permits for massage establishments, massage technicians and out call massage shall be for a period of two years, unless sooner revoked as set forth in this chapter.
   B.   No permit granted herein shall confer any vested right to any person or business for more than the permit period. All massage operators and technicians subject to this chapter shall comply with the provisions of this chapter as they may be amended hereafter.
   C.   Applications for the renewal of a permit shall be filed with the Chief of Police at least sixty calendar days before the expiration of the then current permit to be renewed. Temporary permits will not be issued. Any permittee allowing his or her permit to lapse, or which permit expires during a suspension, shall be required to submit a new application and pay the corresponding original application fees.
   D.   Any person desiring to obtain a renewal of his/her respective permit shall file a written application under penalty of perjury on the required form with the Chief of Police, who shall conduct an investigation. The application shall be accompanied by a non-refundable filing fee established by separate resolution of the City Council to help defray the cost of the investigation required by this chapter. An applicant shall be required to update the information contained in his/her original permit application and provide any new and/or additional information as may be reasonably required by the Chief of Police in order to determine whether said permit should be renewed.
   E.   A massage technician permittee shall also be required to submit with his or her renewal application proof of completion of at least twenty hours of continuing education courses in massage from a recognized school of massage or a qualified massage association. Failure to provide this documentation shall be grounds for non-renewal of the massage technician's permit.
   F.   The Chief of Police shall have sixty calendar days to investigate the renewal application and shall render a decision within said sixty calendar days. (Ord. 3020 § 19, 2002: Ord. 2977 § 4, 2000: Ord. 2967 § 1 (part), 2000).