All massage technicians shall comply with the following conditions and any other conditions specified by the Chief of Police on issuance of the massage technician's permit:
A. Except to the extent required, in writing, by a State-licensed medical practitioner, no massage technician shall massage or allow a massage technician aide, or employee to massage the genitals, gluteal fold, or anal area of any patron or the breasts of any female patron. Nor shall any massage technician, massage technician aide or employee solicit or allow a patron to touch or massage in any manner the genitals, gluteal fold, or anal area of a massage technician, massage technician aide or employee, or the breasts of any female massage technician, massage technician aide or employee. A massage shall not be given and no patron shall be in the presence of a massage technician, massage technician aide, operator, manager or other employee of a massage establishment unless the patron's genitals, gluteal fold, anus, and, if a female patron, the female patron's breasts, are fully covered by a non-transparent covering.
B. The massage technician shall wear or have on their person a photo identification card prepared and issued by the City at all times when present in the massage establishment. Such identification shall be provided to the Chief of Police upon demand. The identification card shall be worn on outer clothing with the photo side facing out. If a massage technician changes his or her business address, he or she shall, prior to such change, obtain from the Chief of Police a new photo identification card and advise the Police Department, in writing, of the new business address.
C. Massage technicians shall not perform any massage at any location other than the location specified on the permit, unless performing an out call massage pursuant to a separate permit.
D. While on duty, the massage technician shall not use any name or designation or conduct business under any other name or designation than the name specified in his or her permit and photo identification card.
E. Massage attendants shall be fully clothed at all times. Clothing shall be of a fully opaque, nontransparent material and provide complete covering from at least the mid-thigh to at least three inches below the collarbone. Massage technicians shall wear fully buttoned or otherwise fully fastened opaque smocks over street clothing while performing massage services.
F. A massage technician shall consent to, and shall not prevent, delay or interfere with an inspection of the massage establishment by the City's Development Services, Fire Department, Police Department and the Health Department for the purpose of determining that the provisions of this chapter or other applicable laws or regulations are met. The massage technician shall consent to the inspection of the occupied massage rooms by the Police Department for the purpose of determining that the provisions of this chapter are met. (Ord. 2967 § 1 (part), 2000).