All owners, operators and managers shall comply with the following operating requirement for facilities and any other conditions specified by the Chief of Police:
A. Structure. Massage establishments shall be carried on in a structure which is located in a zoning district which permits such use. When a massage establishment is newly constructed, three sets of plans shall be submitted to the City and the County Health Care Agency for approval and shall be accompanied by the appropriate plan check fee.
B. Signs. Any signs shall be in conformance with the current ordinances of the City. Each operator and/or manager shall post and maintain, adjacent to the main entrance and the front of the business, a readable sign identifying the premises as a massage establishment. The sign and the front of the business shall not be illuminated by strobe or flashing lights.
C. Services List. Each operator and/or manager shall post and maintain a list of services available and the cost of such services in the lobby of the massage establishment in a conspicuous public place and in any other location on the premises as the operator and/or manager deems appropriate. No operator or manager, shall permit, and no massage technician shall offer or perform, any service other than those posted.
D. Lighting. Minimum lighting for a massage establishment shall be provided in accordance with Article 220 of the National Electric Code or successor provision or provisions. The lighting in each massage room shall be at least one sixty watt white light bulb and shall be activated at all times while the patron is in a massage room. No strobe, flashing lights or dimmer switches shall be used. No colored lights shall be used nor shall any coverings be used which change the color of the primary light source.
E. Ventilation. The operator and/or manager shall provide in each massage room, minimum ventilation in accordance with the Section 304.5 Uniform Building Code or successor provision or provisions.
F. Toilet Facilities. A minimum of one toilet and one separate washbasin shall be provided for patrons in each massage establishment, which basin shall provide soap or detergent and hot and cold running water at all times and shall be located within close proximity to the massage rooms. A permanently installed soap dispenser, filled with soap, and a single service towel dispenser shall be provided at the restroom wash basin. Bar soaps shall not be used. A trash receptacle shall be provided in each toilet room.
G. Bathing, Dressing and Locker Facilities. A minimum of one shower and one dressing room containing a separate locker capable of being locked, shall be provided for patrons to be served at the massage establishment. The shower facility shall be equipped with soap or detergent and hot and cold running water at all times and shall be located within close proximity to the massage rooms. Bar soaps shall not be used.
H. Separate Rooms. If male and female patrons are to be treated simultaneously at the same massage establishment separate massage rooms, dressing, bathing and toilet facilities shall be provided for male and female patrons. Each separate facility or room shall be clearly marked as such.
I. Maintenance. Wet and dry heat rooms, steam or vapor rooms or cabinets, toilet rooms, shower and bath rooms, tanning booths, whirlpool baths and pools shall be thoroughly cleaned and disinfected with a disinfectant approved by the County Health Department, as needed, but at least once each day the premises are open. All facilities for the massage establishment must be in good repair and shall be thoroughly cleaned and sanitized at least on a daily basis when the business is in operation. All walls, floors and ceilings of each restroom and shower area shall be constructed with materials that are smooth and easily cleanable. No carpeting shall be installed in any of these specified areas.
J. Massage Tables. A massage table shall be provided in each massage room and all massages shall be performed on the massage table. The tables should have a minimum height of eighteen inches. Two-inch thick foam pads with a maximum width of four feet may be used on a massage table and must be covered with durable, washable plastic or other waterproof material acceptable to the County Health Department. Beds, floor mattresses and waterbeds shall not be permitted on the premises.
K. Front Door. One front door that enters into the lobby and/or other waiting room shall be provided for customer use. All customers and any other persons other than employees shall be required to enter and exit through the front door of the establishment. (Ord. 2967 § 1 (part), 2000).
L. Receptionist Station. The receptionist station shall be a designated area for greeting customers, contiguous to the customer lobby. If partitioned from the customer lobby, it shall have a clear, unobstructed opening, or an opening of clear unobstructed glass, at least thirty inches by thirty inches which allows unobstructed visibility between the customer lobby and the interior of the receptionist station.
M. Signaling Devices. No massage establishment shall have installed or utilize any signaling devices of any type to alert employees and/or customers to the presence of law enforcement personnel. (Ord. 3020 §§ 11, 12, 2002: Ord. 2967 § 1 (part), 2000).