The City Council finds and declares as follows:
A. The permit requirements and restrictions imposed by this chapter are reasonably necessary to protect the health, safety and welfare of the citizens of the City.
B. The City is authorized, by virtue of the Constitution of the State of California, and Section 51031 of the California Government Code, to regulate massage establishments by imposing reasonable standards relative to the skill and experience of massage operators and massage technicians and imposing reasonable conditions on the operation of the massage establishment.
C. There is a significant risk of injury to massage clients by improperly trained and/or educated massage technicians and this chapter provides reasonable safeguards against injury and economic loss.
D. There is opportunity for acts of prostitution and other unlawful sexual activity to occur in massage establishments. Courts have long recognized massage as a pervasively regulated activity and that massage establishments are often brothels in disguise. The establishment of reasonable standards for issuance of permits and restrictions on operations would serve to reduce the risk of illegal activity.
E. The restrictions and requirements contained in this chapter are intended to reduce the burden of massage establishment regulation on the Police Department.
F. The regulations and restrictions contained in this chapter are intended to discourage massage establishments from degenerating into houses of prostitution and the means utilized in this chapter bear a reasonable and rational relationship to the goals sought to be achieved. (Ord. 2967 § 1 (part), 2000).