A. Delinquent Accounts. The City may require an amendment to the permit of any Permittee who fails to make payment in full of all fees and charges assessed by the City, including reconciliation amounts, delinquency penalties, and other costs or fees incurred by the Permittee to require provision for payment or additional security for same.
B. Bankruptcy. Every Permittee filing any legal action in any court of competent jurisdiction, including the United States Bankruptcy Court, for purposes of discharging its financial debts or obligations or seeking court ordered, protection from its creditors, shall, within ten (10) days of filing such action, apply for and obtain the issuance of an amendment to its permit to provide for security for any fees and costs due to the City for continuation of the permit.
C. Security. An amendment to a waste discharge permit issued, may be conditioned upon the Permittee depositing financial security in an amount equal to the average total fees and charges for two (2) calendar quarters during the preceding year. Said deposit shall be used to guarantee payment of all fees and charges incurred for future services and facilities furnished by City and shall not be used by the City to recover outstanding fees and charges incurred prior to the Permittee filing and receiving protection from creditors in the United States Bankruptcy Court.
D. Return of Security. In the event the Permittee makes payment in full within the time prescribed by this Ordinance of all fees and charges incurred over a period of two (2) years following the issuance of an amendment to the permit, the City shall either return the security deposit posted by the Permittee or credit their account.
(Ord. 3051 § 1 (part), 2004).