No person shall, in the city, use or operate any mobile X-ray unit without complying with each and all of the following conditions:
A. No person under the age of fifteen years is to be X-rayed unless such person has had a positive tuberculin skin test and presents a written statement, signed by a licensed practitioner of the healing arts, showing the method and the date of such positive skin test. A sign shall be posted in a prominent location of the mobile X-ray unit stating that no person under the age of fifteen years is to be X-rayed unless such person has had a positive tuberculin skin test.
B. No pregnant woman shall be X-rayed in a mobile X-ray unit unless so ordered in writing by a licensed practitioner of the healing arts. A sign shall be posted in a prominent location on the mobile X-ray unit stating that no pregnant woman shall be X-rayed without such an order.
C. The mobile X-ray operator shall require all persons, before being X-rayed, to complete an information form showing the following: Name, age, sex, address, telephone number, the person's physician's name and address, if a female, whether pregnant, if under fifteen years of age, whether the person has had a positive tuberculin skin test, and the date of such test.
D. All X-ray films shall be retained by the operator for at least ten years. Each patient shall receive from the mobile X-ray operator a report of his X-ray findings within thirty days. Every thirty days, the operator shall submit to the County Health Officer a report of the total number of X-ray films taken during the preceding calendar month.
E. The mobile X-ray operator shall make X-ray films available for use by the physician of the person X-rayed, provided said person gives his consent in writing. The operator may make a reasonable charge for such service.
F. A sign shall be posted in a prominent location on the mobile X-ray unit stating essentially the following: "A chest X-ray film is a useful aid to the physician in diagnosing chest disease. It is not a complete examination. See your family doctor for an examination once a year." The County Health Officer shall have the right to determine the location, site, and wording of all required signs.
G. The mobile X-ray operator shall give the County Health Officer notice at least fourteen calendar days in advance concerning proposed days, times and places of use of the unit. All such information will be forwarded by the County Health Officer to the City of Fullerton.
H. The name and address of the mobile X-ray operator shall be plainly printed on each side of the exterior of the vehicle or trailer in letters at least three inches high. The name and address of the mobile X-ray operator shall appear on all forms, letters, pamphlets, or other printed matter used in conjunction with the unit. Neither sign nor printed matter shall contain any statements expressed or implied that the mobile X-ray unit is associated with any health department or other public or private health agency.
I. The mobile X-ray operation shall comply with all applicable City ordinances and resolutions while operating within the city of Fullerton. (Ord. 1690 (part), 1970).