Any recipient of an Administrative Citation may contest the citation by delivering a completed Request for Hearing form to the Community Development Department Code Enforcement Division within fifteen days from the date of service of the Administrative Citation, together with an advanced deposit of the fine or a completed Advance Deposit Hardship Waiver form with any supporting documents. Once the City receives a completed Advance Deposit Hardship Waiver form, it stays payment of the fine until the Community Development Director, or designee issues a written determination granting or denying the Advance Deposit Hardship Waiver. Such determination shall be final. If the determination denies the Advance Deposit Hardship Waiver, the Responsible Party shall pay the full amount of the fine within ten days from the date of service of the determination.
(Ord. 3329 § 1, 2024; Ord. 3273, § 1, 2019)